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Most signs incised into Late Helladic/Late Minoan III pottery are related in form and method of application, as well as the types of vessels to which they are applied and the chronological range and distribution of those vessels. The signs are almost always incised after firing, generally into the handles of large transport/storage vessels : stirrup jars (both coarse and fine-ware varieties) or a particular piriform jar shape (FS 36). With few exceptions, the Aegean vessels with incised marks which can be closely dated by either ceramic typology or stratigraphical context fall within LH IIIA-B; of those which can be dated specifically within this range, most are LHJLM IIIB. The great majority of incised Aegean vessels are found on Cyprus and the closely-affiliated sites of Ras Shamra/Minet el Beidha. Other substantial deposits of marked vessels occur in the Argolid. Elsewhere, finds are scarce or completely absent. The consistently restricted appearance of incised marks points to some specific and directed use, and thus one can speak of a marking system.


Jean-Pierre Olivier


Ecole Française Athene





Publication Information

Mykenaïka. Actes du IXe Colloque International Sur les Textes Mycéniens et Égéens Organisé par le Centre de l'Antiquité Grecque et Romaine de la Fondation Hellénique des Recherches Scientifiques et l'Ecole Française d'Athénes (Athénes, 2-6 octobre 1990)

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