Document Type
Instructional Material
Publication Date
This unit was created to meet the goals and objectives in Ch. 30 of the Ecce Romani II textbook (Latin II Pre-AP). The goals of the unit are for students to understand the specific uses of the passive voice, and to be able to describe the effect that the passive voice has on a sentence’s meaning. In addition, because the Ch.30 story is about a fire, students explore various dangers of living in an ancient city, as well as discuss and compare these disadvantages to those of a modern city. The students’ performance assessment is to combine this grammatical element with a cultural element in creating a comic strip (in Latin) of a Roman encountering a disadvantage of living in ancient Rome which incorporates the passive voice. Through this project, students demonstrate their ability to write in Latin using the passive voice correctly within a cultural context.
Repository Citation
Barnett, Amy, "The (Dis)Advantages of City Living and the Passive Voice" (2011). Understanding by Design: Complete Collection. 174.
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