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Instructional Material

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This unit focuses on how students spend free time and comparing and contrasting free time in different cultures. It is intended to be taught in the middle of a Spanish I course. Students will understand that 1) Free time activities enjoyed by young people are often similar despite differences in culture, and that 2) Experiences can change for an individual when shared with someone else and a shared experience can affect relationships between people. By the end of the unit, students will be able to 1. talk about what I/others do and where I/others go in free time, 2.extend an invitation to someone else and politely accept/decline an invitation, and 3. talk about my/others’ short-term plans. These end-in-mind targets will require students to learn vocabulary of the following topics: places, free time activities, sports, invitations, time, and interrogatives. They will also cover grammar topics including the verb “ir”, the formulsa “ir+a+infinitive”, the verb “jugar”, and word order of questions. This unit uses Presentational Writing, Presentational Speaking, Interpersonal Speaking, Interpretive Reading, and Interpretive Listening to teach and assess student learning and incorporates technology often.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

PAPlanning-QuieresIrConmigo.docx (7 kB)
Summative Assessment Description

PA Centros - U5- ¿Quieres Ir Conmigo-.docx (814 kB)
Summative Assessment Directions

PARubrics-QuieresIrConmigoUnit.docx (14 kB)
Summative Assessment Rubrics

LosFamososHispanohablantes-TaskResearchSheetGuidedNotesSheet.docx (6 kB)
Summative Assessment Research Guide

QuieresIrConmigo-VocabGrammar.docx (6 kB)
Unit Vocab/Grammar Summary

Quiz1-LugaresHorarioDeportesActIvidadesJugar.docx (129 kB)
Quiz #1

Quiz2-InvitacionesHoraIrIrainfinitivosInterrogativos.docx (1038 kB)
Quiz #2

Mi Viñeta Template & Directions.docx (6 kB)
Assignment Template and Directions/Grading

SingingTelegrams-AssignmentSheetRubric.doc.docx (8 kB)
Assignment Directions and Rubric

El Horario de Pitbull y Sofía Vergara.docx (662 kB)
Day 3 - Interpretive Listening/Reading Example

MiHorariodelaSemana-conversationalspeaking.docx (5 kB)
Day 4 - Interpersonal Speaking and Presentational Writing Example

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