Global Static Testing and Model Validation of Thermal-Formed Thin Film Polyimide Panels
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An experiment was conducted to examine the global static behavior stiffened thermal-formed thin-film polyamide panels, and test was also conducted to validate novel numerical models that capture the behavioral mechanics of these panels. The panels were taken as solid plates that can be coarsely meshed, eliminating the requirement for finely meshed models. Global macroscale static behavior of the panels was investigated in the forms of panel bending tests, and simple coarsely meshed finite element models was then validated with experimental data. The study has also described the static bending tests on two different rectangular panels, and the formulation of the apparent material properties. One panel was manufactured from 0.127-mm-thick polyamide films, while another was formed from 0.0762-mm-thick polyamide film.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Repository Citation
Black, J.T. Leifer, J., and Smith, S.W., "Global Static Testing and Model Validation of Thermal-Formed Thin Film Polyimide Panels." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, v 45. N6, November-December 2008. Pp. 1319-1324.
Publication Information
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets