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This report discusses the design of an audio entertainment device incorporating movement, lights, and motion in order to entertain the user, shown in Fig. 1. The user inserts a source of music through an AUX cord, which controls the color of the lights display based on the frequency of music. Through a control box tethered to the device, shown in Fig. 2, the user controls the amplitude of rotary motion the lights move before returning back to its original position and repeating, which is controlled by a stepper motor. The user also has control of which color represents the bass, mid, and treble frequency bands through the use of a single push button that cycles through all of the options. There are also three modes that the light can be in: a smooth response to the music, a strobe response to the music, and an off state with a simple fade sequence. These modes are selected through the use of a three-position-switch with the middle state being the off state. The kill switch allows for the lights to be quickly turned off in the event that the strobes become disorienting. While the lights are in either of the on states, the Arduino will start the off fade sequence if it detects that no music is being played for 5 seconds, then switches back to the previous mode as soon as music starts playing; this prevents the lights from being completely off for too long. The functional diagram for the device is shown in Figs. 3 & 4.


Final Project Report for ENGR-4367 Mechatronics

schem1.sch (553 kB) (1 kB)
schem1.dri (1 kB)
schem1.brd (124 kB)
eagle.epf (16 kB)
final_code.pbp (4 kB)
Mechantronics_Prodject2.0.ino (40 kB)

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