The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music is an outstanding guide and reference source to the key topics, subjects, thinkers and debates in philosophy and music. Over fifty entries by an international team of contributors are organised into six clear sections:
- general issues
- emotion
- history
- figures
- kinds of music
- music, philosophy and related disciplines
Publication Date
New York
philosophy, music, reference, emotion, history, aesthetics
Arts and Humanities | Philosophy
Table of Contents
Definition / Andrew Kania -- Silence, sound, noise, and music / Jennifer Judkins -- Rhythm, melody, and harmony / Roger Scruton -- Ontology / Carl Matheson and Ben Caplan -- Medium / David Davies -- Improvisation / Lee B. Brown -- Notations / Stephen Davies -- Performances and recordings / Andrew Kania and Theodore Gracyk -- Authentic performance practice / Paul Thom -- Music and language / Ray Jackendoff -- Music and imagination / Saam Trivedi -- Understanding music / Erkki Huovinen -- Style / Jennifer Judkins -- Aesthetic properties / Rafael De Clercq -- Value / Alan H. Goldman -- Evaluating music / Theodore Gracyk -- Appropriation and hybridity / James O. Young -- Instrumental technology / Anthony Gritten -- Expression theories / Jenefer Robinson -- Arousal theories / Derek Matravers -- Resemblance theories / Saam Trivedi -- Music's arousal of emotions / Malcolm Budd -- Classical aesthetic traditions of India, China, and the Middle East / Peter Manuel and Stephen Blum -- Antiquity and the middle ages / Thomas J. Mathiesen -- The early modern period / Jeanette Bicknell -- Continental philosophy and music / Tiger C. Roholt -- Analytic philosophy and music / Stephen Davies -- Plato / Stephen Halliwell -- Rousseau / Julia Simon -- Kant / Hannah Ginsborg -- Schopenhauer / Alex Neill -- Nietzsche / John M. Carvalho -- Hanslick / Thomas Grey -- Gurney / Malcolm Budd -- Wagner / Thomas Grey -- Adorno / Andy Hamilton -- Popular music / John Andrew Fisher -- Rock / Allan F. Moore -- Jazz / Lee B. Brown -- Song / Jeanette Bicknell -- Opera / Paul Thom -- Music and motion pictures / Noël Carroll and Margaret Moore -- Music and dance / Robynn J. Stilwell -- Visual music and synesthesia / Kathleen Marie Higgins -- Musicology / Justin London -- Music theory and philosophy / Judy Lochhead -- Composition / Roger Scruton -- Analysis / Joseph Dubiel -- Ethnomusicology / Peter Manuel -- Music and politics / James Currie -- Sociology and cultural studies / Anthony Kwame Harrison -- Music and gender / Fred Everett Maus -- Phenomenology of music / Bruce Ellis Benson -- Music, philosophy, and cognitive science / Diana Raffman -- Psychology of music / Eric Clarke -- Music education / Philip Alperson
Original Publication Information
Recommended Citation
Gracyk, T., & Kania, A. (Eds.) (2011). The Routledge companion to philosophy and music. Routledge.