Home > Tipití > Vol. 14 > Iss. 1 (2016)
Volume 14, Issue 1 (2016)
We are pleased to publish this issue of the journal featuring articles from across the Amazonian geographical spectrum as well as a variety of international scholars with perspectives that bring greater depth to our understanding of lowland South America. Along this same line, we also introduce the first iteration of the Tipiti Forum, with short contributions on current topics and debates. We begin with contributions on the topic of uncontacted/isolated/voluntarily isolated peoples in some of the various political landscapes of lowland South America. Finally, we introduce another new section to the journal, the Commentary, featuring papers on various topics of interest to researching anthropologists. This issue features a contribution stemming from a Conversations in the Lobby session at our latest SALSA conference.Articles
Yushin Huemena: Visions of the Spirit World, Art, Design, Medicine and Protective Spirits in Shipibo Ritual
Warren M. Hern
The Bird-Nester, the Jaguar and the Fire-Theft: A New Approach to the Culture-Nature Dimension in Amazonian Myth
Deon Liebenberg
Amerindians in the Eighteenth Century Plantation System of the Guianas
James Andrew Whitaker
A Cruel Peace: The Barí Epidemics after Contact
Manuel Lizarralde and Roberto Lizarralde
Becoming Tamed. The Meaning of “Becoming Civilized” among the Waorani of Amazonian Ecuador
Paola Colleoni
The Historical and Linguistic Identity of the Remos
Łukasz Krokoszyński and David W. Fleck
On Engagement with the Works of Peers
Carlos D. Londoño Sulkin
The Few Remaining: Genocide Survivors and the Brazilian State
Felipe Milanez and Glenn H. Shepard Jr.
Ceci N’est Pas un Contacte: the Fetishization of Isolated Indigenous People Along the Peru-Brazil Border
Glenn H. Shepard Jr.
Isolation, Otherwise
Lucas Bessire
On the Significance of Representations Concerning Indigenous People in Voluntary Isolation
Minna Opas
The Perils of “Contact”
Warren Thompson and Obed Garcia