Document Type

Instructional Material

Publication Date

Summer 6-21-2018


This unit is especially designed to make poetry reading and writing fun and exciting for any third grader! The unit begins by immersing your students in the four forms of poetry (lyrical, narrative, humorous, and free verse), which will awaken the inner poet in each of your students! Students will engage in a variety of learning experiences to play with language in their own writing. They will develop a clear understanding of the use of imagery, sensory details, and repetition in poetry, all while engaging in the writing process. At the end of this 3-week unit, your students will each contribute an authentic piece of poetry to be performed in front of community members and published in a class anthology. To make this unit even more engaging, we encourage you to reach out to local poets in your community to schedule an author’s visit that coincides with this poetry unit.

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