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Instructional Material

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This addition and subtraction review unit is designed to take place over 2 weeks during the first days of school. The culminating assessment is a field trip to the local grocery store to purchase student-chosen items that will be placed in care packages and then delivered to a local Ronald McDonald House near the school by the students. During the first week, students play TGT (Team-Game-Tournament) style reviews covering basic addition and subtraction as well as addition and subtraction using money and decimals. During the second week, students shop online to select items, and then go shopping, finally taking the care packages to the Ronald McDonald House. In addition to understanding addition and subtraction, this unit also sets students up to learn the relationship between numbers in fact families and how to find missing numbers.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

UbD TGT Assessments and Bell Ringers.pdf (1093 kB)
pdf version of the TGT Assessments and Bell Ringers

UbD TGT Assessments and Bell Ringers.xls (1898 kB)
Excel version of TGT Assessments and Bell Ringers

Add and Sub Review Problems.xls (345 kB)
Excel version of TGT Review problems

Add and Sub Review Problems.pdf (275 kB)
