Most Recent Additions
NIRSA Student Referees: Exploring the Connection between Sense of Community and Positive Health and Well-Being Outcomes
Jacob K. Tingle
Plant Worlds
Heather I. Sullivan
Cross-Infections of Vegetal-Human Bodies in Science Fiction
Heather I. Sullivan
Disease, Extinction, and Emergences in T.C. Boyle’s Friend of Earth and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake
Caroline Schaumann and Heather I. Sullivan
Unexpected Plant Bodies
Heather I. Sullivan
Kafka and the Anthropocene
Heather I. Sullivan
Bad Plants
Heather I. Sullivan
Goethe and Our Endangered Natural World
Heather I. Sullivan
Goethes Pflanzen und das ,,Dunkle Griin"
Heather I. Sullivan
Jean Langdon: transformations and perspectives from half a century of research about shamanism
Isabel Santana de Rose
“Nós vamos lutar por eles”: a defesa do povo “isolado” Pirititi pelos Waimiri Atroari, Amazonas e Roraima, Brasil
Silvia Melo Futada, Glenn H. Shepard Jr., Walter Nicanor Fontoura Blos, Antônio Carlos Andrade do Nascimento, Marcelo de Sousa Cavalcante, and Associação Comunitária Waimiri Atroari
“We will fight for them”: The defense of the ´isolated´ Piriti people by the Waimiri Atroari, Amazonas and Roraima, Brazil
Silvia Melo Futada, Walter Nicanor Fontoura Blos, Antônio Carlos Andrade do Nascimento, Marcelo de Sousa Cavalcante, Glenn H. Shepard Jr, and Waimiri Atroari Community Association (ACWA)
La escucha de los soplos: Chamanismo y proposiciones ontológicas sobre el lenguaje en el Alto Río Negro, Amazonas
Danilo Paiva Ramos
Bahsé Ahpose: o adocicamento das águas e dos peixes como regeneração da vida no Alto Vaupés, Noroeste Amazônico
José Carlos Almeida Cruz, Justino Sarmento Rezende, and Thiago Mota Cardoso
Kenneth Loiselle
*Updated as of 02/04/25.