Home > Tipití > Vol. 11 > Iss. 1 (2013)
Volume 11, Issue 1 (2013) Volume 11, Issue 1
We are please to publish this volume of the journal featuring a special topic section on creolization in Amazonia edited by Dr. Catherine Alès and Dr. Ernst Halbmayer. The issue opens with a fine article on the languages of Amazonia and closes with a film and book review.Article
The Languages of Amazonia
Patience Epps and Andrés Pablo Salanova
Special Topics
Introduction: Indigenous Creolization, Amerindian Hybridity and the Invention of Authenticity
Ernst Halbmayer and Catherine Alès
Systems of Naming and Creolization: Authentic Acculturation and/or Authentic Tradition? The Yanomami Case
Catherine Alès
Mission, Food, and Commensality among the Yukpa: Indigenous Creolization and Emerging Complexities in Indigenous Modernities
Ernst Halbmayer
Imaging Amazonia in the 21st Century: Recent Brazilian Documentaries on Socio-Environmental Conflicts
Jeremy M. Campbell
Tradición, Escritura y Patrimonialización. Anne-Gaël Bilhaut and Silvia Macedo, editors. Quito, Ecuador. Abya-Yala. 2012.
Natalia Buitron Arias and Grégory Deshoullière