Home > Tipití > Vol. 12 > Iss. 2 (2014)
Volume 12, Issue 2 (2014)
We are pleased to publish this issue of the journal (vol. 12/2), which features the debut of "Contemporary Debates", in which ideally, both sides of an issue in Amazonia are addressed through short essays. The first such "debate" discusses hydroelectric dams in Brazilian Amazonia and is edited and introduced by Dr. Simone Athayde. Another new category in this issue is a photo essay, featuring the work of Curt Nimuendajú on the Rio Negro. We encourage submissions in these new categories for future publications. An article on ecotourism in Ecuador and book reviews complete the issue.Introduction
Introduction: Indigenous Peoples, Dams and Resistance
Simone Athayde
Between Distinct Voracities: The Hydro-energetic Machine and the Iyakaliti’s Response
Juliana de Almeida
Here and There: The Effects of Upriver Dams on Indigenous Peoples
Benedict J. Colombi
Moving Forward or Backwards? Indigenous Peoples, Development and Democracy in Brazil
Melissa Volpato Curi
Framing Social-Environmental Justice by Amazonian Indigenous Peoples: The Kayapo Case
Anthony Oliver-Smith
“Killing a People Little by Little”: Belo Monte, Human Rights and the Myth of Clean Energy
Maíra Irigaray
Negotiating New Roles and Relationships in the Jungle: Rain Forest Imaginations and Community-Based Ecotourism in Ecuador
Anna Meiser and Eveline Dürr
The Ecology of the Barí - Stephen Beckerman & Roberto Lizarralde
Helbert Medeiros Prado