Home > Tipití > Vol. 4 > Iss. 1 (2006)
Volume 4, Issue 1 (2006) Special Issue in honor of Joanna Overing: In the World and About the World: Amerindian Modes of Knowledge
Introduction: Amerindian Modes of Knowledge
George Mentore and Fernando Santos-Granero
Sensual Vitalities: Noncorporeal Modes of Sensing and Knowing in Native Amazonia
Fernando Santos-Granero
Matsigenka Corporeality, a Nonbiological Reality: On Notions of Consciousness and the Constitution of Identity
Dan Rosengren
On Body and Soul
Guilherme Werlang
The Strength of Thoughts, the Stench of Blood: Amazonian Hematology and Gender
Luisa Elvira Belanunde
Bororo Funerals: Images of the Refacement of the World
Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Instrumental Speeches, Morality, and Masculine Agency among Muinane People (Colombian Amazon)
Carlos David Londono Sulkin
The Politics of Shamanism and the Limits of Fear
Robert Storrie