Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis open access


Computer Science


Artificial societies and virtual worlds are two areas of interest to modern social scientists that are distinctly separate in modern academic study, and are yet undeniably related. Artificial societies are multi-agent systems comprised of autonomous social agents, programmed with their own set of rules and behavior. While virtual worlds are occupied in large part by human controlled agents participating in a collective virtual experience and space. Within both types of virtual environments there can be found a scarcity of resources and intricate cross-entity interaction. This often results in the development and evolution of complex economic and cultural structures. In addition, by examining the modern research and common history shared by each field, it is possible to compile a set of shared attributes. This work attempts to capitalize on these shared features and promote a new type of integrated analysis that holds potential for future development in both fields. The concrete implementation of these ideas takes form as a simple economic model containing meaningful computer and human interaction as well as a framework designed for future extensibility.
