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Instructional Material

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Food and nutrition are an integral part in the study of a country’s lifestyle. There are many factors that influence the diet and exercise regimen of a nation and its culture. Some of these factors include diet and exercise. In understanding a region’s culture, one must compare how our own lifestyle is affected by the diversity of cultures here in the United States. To encourage this understanding, students must be aware of the cultural similarities and differences of these lifestyles. Students will be exposed to ideas about nutrition and exercise based on a global comparison of the eating and exercise habits of Spanish speaking countries to those of their own culture in the United States. Students will be asked to research not only other Spanish speaking countries, but share from their personal backgrounds. They will be able to assess the correlation of their own food/exercise choices based on the culture in which they live.

Students will also be required to express their preferences for certain foods and give advice on making healthier food choices.

The unit begins with the introduction of basic Spanish vocabulary that must be utilized to perform several assessments. Students will be asked to perform nutritional tasks, such as inquiring about the contents of the food pyramid, based on the guideline provided by the USDA, and calculating the caloric value of a particular food.

Students will also be asked to complete various activities from the textbook to further their understanding of the origin of the names of foods within the Spanish speaking world.

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