"Introducing the DBQ Essay Using Personal Evidence [10th grade]" by M Melendy Jacobie

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Instructional Material

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In the free-response section of the AP World History Exam, all students are asked to answer three constructed-response questions. This unit is set at the beginning of the course to address the first form of question, a document-based question, and to serve as a way for the teacher and students to build their classroom community. Students will explore how evidence can be used to understand a person or time period while learning the components of a DBQ essay before any world history content is taught. Students will create a set of ten documents that show how they became the person they are today and write their first Document-Based Question (DBQ) Essay in response to the prompt: Analyze the factors that shaped the life of your partner in the period from 1996/7 to the present, using documents that another student has collected to represent their life in the Creating a Personal DBQ project.

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