"Picking Apart Plot (6th grade)" by Amanda Aird

Document Type

Instructional Material

Publication Date



This is an examination of plot, first as a reader, and then as a writer. There are both reading and writing components in the activities. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the plot elements (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, turning point, falling action, and denouement) from their definitions to their functions in a story. Additionally, students will learn how to map a plot line, how a reader's mood is tied to the plot line, and how other fictional concepts (character, setting, conflict, theme, point-of-view, sensory language) flesh out the plot. Students will then transition into designing their own plots as writers. They will learn how to design each plot element and they will understand how designing a plot naturally creates the other fictional concepts. Then they will pull it all together in an imaginative story which they'll create a rough draft of with continuous peer-feedback and eventually a final draft in a creative format of their choosing (from specific options).

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