"Reflexive Writing and Literature [7th grade]" by Kara Dougherty

Document Type

Instructional Material

Publication Date



The goal of this unit is for students to write their own reflexive piece of writing--a memoir. While students have had previous exposure to this in the past, their focus should be more on narrowing down their topic to the important facts and use vivid descriptions and sensory details to create imagery in their writing. We will read published examples of reflexive writing from both essay collections and the literature book, Elements of Literature: First Course published by Holt in order to analyse and understand how other writers make their literature interesting to the reader. We will also explore strategies to guide us through the pre-writing process. Students will look in-depth at different ways of pre-writing in order to generate ideas and drafts for their memoirs. We will also complete multiple revising and editing activities in order to show students how to enhance and refine their writing.

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