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Restricted Campus Only

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Our team was tasked to design a sampling system that transports the exhaust of a diesel engine directly into the already existing testing station of Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). The final prototype meets nearly all the objectives stated in the initial project plan, with the exception of the temperature requirements. The team experienced a delay in the arrival of the heated pump; therefore, the prototype was tested with an alternative pump that works similarly to the one ordered. This solution proved successful and allowed for most of the planned tests to be conducted. This pump allowed the team to prove that our design functions as expected with no major problems. Although further testing is required upon arrival of the heated pump, the basic objectives of the design have been met. These objectives were the creation of a portable cart, 50 L/min flow, and proper control of the flow through the different paths in the piping system as well as low overall pressure.

The prototype was subjected to a leakage test, pulsations test, and a flow test. The leakage test was successful around the operating flow rates but failed at higher pressures, due to back pressure which forced delicate connections with the glass tubing to move out of place. However, the system is not designed to undergo the extreme pressures we tested it with, so it can be concluded that the system will be free of any leakage under the required conditions. The pulsations tests successfully showed dampening in the flow as the flow meter read consistent values with little fluctuation, ranging by about ± 0.35 L/min. Lastly, the whole system was tested under different flow rates and the valves were proportionally varied to determine their sensitivity and their ability to control the flow as desired. The results demonstrate that the valves functioned as expected, although they are unresponsive until they are at least 25% open.


ENGR 4382: Senior Design

Project Advisor: Dr. William Collins
