A Functional Approach to Computer-Mediated Communication
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Contribution to Book
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The primary purpose of this chapter then is to use these aforementioned functions as guiding principles in discussing SNSs and provide an assessment of these functions as reflected in existing research. A secondary focus of this chapter is to provide a review of literature relevant to each function that may guide future research on SNSs. Much in the same manner that general research functions such as relational communication, social influence, and social support help guide research in several content areas in the field of communication, the functions identified in this chapter may provide interested scholars a new manner of conceptualizing the study of SNSs.
Kevin B. Wright & Lynne M. Webb
Peter Lang
New York
Repository Citation
Sumner, E. M., Marmo, J., & Ramirez, A., Jr. (in press). A functional approach to computer-mediated communication. In K. B. Wright & L. M. Webb (Eds.), Computer-mediated communication in personal relationships (2nd ed.), (pp. 3-20). Peter Lang.
Publication Information
Computer-Mediated Communication in Personal Relationships