Building a Brighter Future: How SHAFR Can Best Support Graduate Students
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Graduate students make up an important component of SHAFR’s membership base. They have a strong presence at the annual meeting as attendees as well as presenters, they are frequent and enthusiastic contributors to Diplomatic History and other U.S. foreign relations journals, and they are the future of our organization. This begs the question: how well is SHAFR serving the needs of these graduate student members as they work toward completing their degrees, finding employment, and (hopefully) becoming dedicated, lifelong members of our esteemed organization? What, if anything, could or should SHAFR do differently? Those of us who participated in the 2015 SHAFR Summer Institute (SSI), which brought advanced graduate students and early career faculty members together with several established scholars, had the opportunity to consider these questions at length.
The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
Repository Citation
Demmer, A.C., & Turek, L.F. (2015). Building a brighter future: How SHAFR can best support graduate students. Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 46(2), 28-30.
Publication Information
Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations