Doing Work That Matters: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa
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Preparing this Special Issue of Camino Real has been challenging but rewarding— challenging because of the expected obstacles of coordinating a publication from across an ocean and rewarding because I can continue to do the work around Anzaldúa’s legacy. Using an Anzaldúan style to write this introduction, I intersperse my personal testimonio and reflection as well as a conceptual framing for the pieces included. When we put out the call for papers for this issue, we were not sure what submissions we would get. I had confidence that the work submitted would reflect the myriad intellectual interrogations that Anzaldúa’s work elicits. Since 2007, I have headed the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, and I have seen the diversity of approaches to and uses of her work as reflected in El Mundo Zurdo, the international conference held every 18 months to honor her legacy. The conference seeks to carry on the work of that space she called, El Mundo Zurdo. As scholars, activists, and artists come together to share our work, I am invariably surprised at the serendipitous transformative work that happens there. It is my hope that readers of this issue will also find a similar opportunity for transformative engagement with Anzaldúa’s work through the selections published here. Moreover, I would hope that those who have not read her work will get an idea of its significance for Chicanx and Latinx Studies.
Universidad de Alcalá
Repository Citation
Cantú, N.E. (2018). Doing work that matters: An introduction to the special issue on Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa. Camino Real: Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas, 10(13), 13-23.
Publication Information
Camino Real: Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas