Submissions from 2010
Staging the Self, Staging Empowerment: An Overview of Latina Theater and Performance, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Undocumented and Queer: Carlos Manuel’s La Vida Loca, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Submissions from 2009
The Conversion of Polyeucte’s Félix: The Problem of Religion and Theater, Nina Ekstein
Time, Space, and the Question of Heroism in Sertorius, Nina Ekstein
Art Societies since 1800, Jinli He
La novela de sicarios y la ilusión picaresca, Ana María Mutis
New York as a Site of Female Transgression in Martín Gaite’s Caperucita en Manhattan, Debra J. Ochoa
Artistic Distance and the Comedia: Lessons from Don Quijote, Matthew D. Stroud
Supersession, the Comedia Nueva, and Tirso's La Mejor Espigadera, Matthew D. Stroud
Tomboy, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Submissions from 2008
Wang Guowei and Chinese Moral-Political Philosophy, Jinli He
The Play of Means and Ends: Justice in Lope's Fuenteovejuna, Matthew D. Stroud
Comfortably Queer: The Chicano Gay Subject in Dan Guerrero’s ¡Gaytino!, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Submissions from 2007
Wang Guowei and Aesthetic Modernity, Jinli He
Memory and Exile in María Teresa León’s Las Peregrinaciones de Teresa (1950), Debra J. Ochoa
Los Celos Hasta Los Cielos y Desdichada Estefanía: Honor, Amor, Ideal y Falla en la Obra de Luis Vélez de Guevara, Matthew D. Stroud
The Dangerous Quest for Nature Narratives in Goethe’s Werther: A Reading of the Ruptured Monologue and the Ruptured Body, Heather I. Sullivan
Submissions from 2006
The Trilogue in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein
"Enamorado hasta la punta del pelo": Semiótica capilar en Cecilia Valdés, Ana María Mutis
Critiques of the "Novela Rosa": Martín Gaite, Almodóvar, and Etxebarría, Debra J. Ochoa
Another Look at Calderón’s El Príncipe Constante as Tragedy, Matthew D. Stroud
Defining the Comedia: On Generalizations Once Widely Accepted That are no Longer Accepted so Widely, Matthew D. Stroud
The Closest Reading: Creating Annotated Editions, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 2005
Over the Top: From the Tragic to the Comic in Corneille, Nina Ekstein
The Odd Man Out: The Kings in Corneille's Machine Plays, Nina Ekstein
A New Understanding of the Image of China in Contemporary Chinese Literature, Jinli He
Spirit of Western Dance, Jinli He
Encuentros con el Barroco: Francisco de Quevedo en dos poemas de Octavio Paz, Ana María Mutis
Infallible Texts and Righteous Interpretations: Don Quijote and Religious Fundamentalism, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 2004
Corneille's Absent Characters, Nina Ekstein
El cine en Cal y canto: Una nueva visión poética, Ana María Mutis
The Director’s Cut: Baroque Aesthetics and Modern Stagings of the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
Alicia Sotero Vásquez: Police Brutality Against an Undocumented Mexican Woman, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Submissions from 2003
Knowing Irony: The Problem of Corneille, Nina Ekstein
Pompée's Absence in Corneille's 'La Mort de Pompée', Nina Ekstein
A New Rationalism for the Arts, Jinli He
Heidegger and Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory, Jinli He
National Writings in the Context of Globalization, Jinli He
Trends in Chinese Avant-garde Literature, Jinli He
Authenticity, Authoriality, and the Nature of Electronic Texts: Don Quijote in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Matthew D. Stroud
Gender and the Gaze: Sor Juana, Lacan, and Spanish Baroque Poetry, Matthew D. Stroud
Estudio Onomástico de los Personajes en Las Aventuras de Don Chipote o Cuando los Pericos Mamen, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Submissions from 2002
Metaphors of Mathematics in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Sophonisbe's Seduction: Corneille Writing Against Mairet, Nina Ekstein
Women and Marriage in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Art Rationality, Jinli He
Art Rationality and Avant-Garde Literature, Jinli He
Human Spirit as a Whole, Jinli He
On the New Spirit of Arts in the New Century, Jinli He
Uxoricidas, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 2001
Le Change in Corneille and Racine, Nina Ekstein
Uncertainty in Corneille's Héraclius, Nina Ekstein
Artistry and Irony in María de Zayas's La Inocencia Castigada, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 2000
Constructive Tendency of Post-Modernism, Jinli He
Contemporary Relevance of Schiller’s On the Aesthetic Education of Man, Jinli He
Comedy, Foppery, Camp: Moreto’s El Lindo don Diego, Matthew D. Stroud
Homo/Hetero/Social/Sexual: Gila in Vélez’s La Serrana de la Vera, Matthew D. Stroud
Performativity and Sexual Identity in Calderón’s Las Manos Blancas No Ofenden (White Hands Don't Offend), Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1999
Staging the Tyrant on the Seventeenth-Century French Stage, Nina Ekstein
Submissions from 1998
Mithridate, Displacement, and the Sea, Nina Ekstein
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1997
The Comedia in Amsterdam, 1609-1621: Rodenburgh's Translation of Aguilar's La Venganza Honrosa, Matthew D. Stroud
The Lessons of Calderón’s La Cisma de Inglaterra, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1996
Appropriation and Gender: The Case of Catherine Bernard and Bernard de Fontenelle, Nina Ekstein
The Second Woman in the Theater of Villedieu, Nina Ekstein
Sainthood and Psychoanalysis: Tirso's Santa Juana, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1995
A Woman's Tragedy: Catherine Bernard's 'Brutus', Nina Ekstein
Les Contextes du Portrait Chez Bussy-Rabutin: Fiction et Réalité, Nina Ekstein
The Demand for Love and the Mediation of Desire in La Traición en la Amistad, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1994
Rivalry and Violence in Lope's El Castigo Sin Verganza, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1993
Language, Power, and Gender in Tristan’s La Marianne and La Mort de Sénèque, Nina Ekstein
The Destabilization of the Future in Racine's Iphigénie, Nina Ekstein
The Weight of the Future in Racine's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Genre and Lack in the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
The Desiring Subject and the Promise of Salvation: A Lacanian Study of Sor Juana's El Divino Narciso, Matthew D. Stroud
The Electronic Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1992
Reference and Resemblance in the Seventeenth-Century Literary Portrait, Nina Ekstein
Women's Images Effaced: The Literary Portrait in Seventeenth-Century France, Nina Ekstein
Submissions from 1991
Pyrame and Thisbé: Lost in a "Minimalist" World, Nina Ekstein
Clotaldo's Daughter, Matthew D. Stroud
"¿Y Sois Hombre o Sois Mujer?": Sex and Gender in Tirso’s Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1989
Le Misanthrope and Tartuffe: Two Critiques of Verbal Portraiture, Nina Ekstein
The Portrait on Stage in Molière's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Symbols, Referents, and Theatrical Semantics: The Use of Hands in the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
The Comedia as Playscript, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1988
Noise and (In)coherence in Le Roman Comique, Nina Ekstein
Submissions from 1987
Further Considerations of History and Law in the Wife-Murder "Comedias", Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1986
La Literatura y la Mujer en el Barroco: Valor, Agravio y Mujer, de Ana Caro, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1985
The Comic Récit: Les Plaideurs, Nina Ekstein
Love, Friendship, and Deceit in La Traición en la Amistad by María de Zayas, Matthew D. Stroud
Martyrs, Martyrdom, and the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1984
Narrative Reliability and Spatial Limitations in Bajazet, Nina Ekstein
Some Practical Thoughts on Producing Calderón’s Court Plays, Matthew D. Stroud
The Comedia as Potboiler: Juan de Cabeza’s Matar por zelos su dama, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1983
Andromaque. V,v: Disorder, Irony, and Progression, Nina Ekstein
The Functions of the Récit in L'Ecole des Femmes, Nina Ekstein
The Resocialization of the Mujer Varonil in Three Plays by Vélez, Matthew D. Stroud
Tirso's Wife-Murder Play: La Vida y Muerte de Herodes, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1982
Stylistic Considerations of Calderón’s Opera Librettos, Matthew D. Stroud