Internationalizing the Business Curriculum: A Field Guide
The book will enable the interested administrator to strengthen the Business School by including the internationalization\globalization dimension. This will, in turn, give your students and tomorrow’s business leaders a better understanding of how to conduct business in a rapidly changing business environment. Thoroughly contemporary, the book includes two chapters devoted to technology: (1)"A View from Abroad" and (2) "Expanding Horizons with E-learning." The book is chock-full of practical tips, guidelines and insights as well as the theories behind the internationalization process. The authors are "champions" of International Business who have effectively changed their business schools and campuses to encompass a global perspective and global skills to meet the challenges of today’s workplace. The book also includes a bank of CIBER (Center for International Business Education and Research) programs/addresses, which provides a breadth of projects and programs for your faculty and administrators to discover throughout the country.
Publication Date
William Custom Publishing
Euclid, OH
international studies, business, international business, funding, graduate, undergraduate, curriculum, liberal arts, study abroad, electronic learning, CIBERs
Original Publication Information
William Custom Publishing
Recommended Citation
Scherer, R. F., Beaton, S. T., Ainina, M. F., & Meyer, J. F. (Eds.). (2002). Internationalizing the business curriculum: A field guide (2nd ed.). William Custom Publishing.