Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza
Literary Nonfiction. Poetry. Latinx Studies. LGBTQIA Studies. Edited by Ricardo F. Vivancos-Pérez and Norma Cantú. Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa's experiences growing up near the U.S./Mexico border, BORDERLANDS/LA FRONTERA remaps our understanding of borders as psychic, social, and cultural terrains that we inhabit and that inhabit us all. Drawing heavily on archival research and a comprehensive literature review while contextualizing the book within her theories and writings before and after its 1987 publication, this critical edition elucidates Anzaldúa's complex composition process and its centrality in the development of her philosophy. It opens with two introductory studies; offers a corrected text, explanatory footnotes, translations, and four archival appendices; and closes with an updated bibliography of Anzaldúa's works, an extensive scholarly bibliography on Borderlands, a brief biography, and a short discussion of the Gloria E. Anzaldúa Papers.
Publication Date
Aunt Lute Books
San Francisco
Mexican American women, poetry, Mexican-American Border Region
Arts and Humanities | Latin American Languages and Societies
Original Publication Information
Aunt Lute Books
Recommended Citation
Anzaldúa, Gloria. (2021). Borderlands / la frontera: The new Mestiza (R. F. Vivancos-Pérez & N. E. Cantú, Eds.). Aunt Lute Books.