Introduction to a Special Education: The Inclusive Classroom
A unique introduction text that guides prospective special and regular educators toward understanding and meeting the needs of students with exceptionalities. Written in an integrated, non-categorical format to match the placement of most students. This book maintains the critical information of the traditional introductory text: the history of special education, state and federal legislation, and the role of the courts. Yet this book goes beyond conventional content. Based on the premise that all students are special and that "good teaching is still good teaching," it provides more than one hundred reproducible tables listing collaborative and teaching strategies to improve the education of all students, including those traditionally not eligible for special services.
Publication Date
Delmar Publishers
mainstreaming in education, case studies, special education, inclusive education
Table of Contents
[pt. 1:] Introduction. [1.] Special education: the historical and legal initiative. The pain of change -- Early programming for children with disabilities -- The impact of law -- Continuum of services -- [2.] The inclusive argument. The regular education initiative -- Regular education initiative proponents -- Regular education initiative opponents -- Inclusion -- Levels of inclusion -- [pt. 2:] Collaboration. [3.] Establishing the collaborative framework. Unified schools -- Differentiated staffing patterns -- Prereferral -- Planning teams -- Successful collaborative practices -- [4.] From collaboration to inclusion. Collaborating effectively with the planning team -- Selecting the appropriate regular education environment -- Factors supporting effective inclusion -- Co-teaching -- Teachers as consultants -- [pt. 3:] Assessment. [5.] The assessment process. Assessment and the IEP process -- Assessment audiences -- Referral -- Levels of assessment -- The regular educator's role in assessment -- [6.] From assessment to intervention. Goals for classroom observations -- Guidelines for observations -- Stages of assessment -- Recording data -- Formal standardized tests -- Informal assessment -- Testing practices -- Curriculum-based assessment -- Portfolio assessment -- [7.] Assessing students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Relationships between culture and behavior -- Prereferral -- Developmental variables -- Assessing students with behavioral disorders -- Assessing language proficiency -- Assessing students from diverse cultural backgrounds -- From assessment to intervention -- [pt. 3:] Creating the teaching-learning environment. [8.] Diagnostic teaching. Identification of specific disabilities -- Involvement of professionals -- Clinical teaching -- Task analysis -- [9.] Models for grouping and instruction. Student factors -- Teacher factors -- Instructional models -- Direct instruction model -- Classroom discussion model -- Grouping for instruction -- Cooperative learning -- Peer tutoring -- [10.] Modifying instruction for students with special needs. Motivating students -- Teacher behaviors affecting student performance -- Managing subgroups of learners -- Managing large groups -- Techniques for actively involving students -- Techniques for directing the inclusive classroom -- Varying methods of instruction -- Teaching factual information -- Teaching concepts -- [pt. 4:] Teaching techniques and curriculum modification. [11.] Techniques for students with learning and behavioral differences. Students from minority language backgrounds -- Students with cognitive and learning disabilities -- Perception -- Techniques for students with perception problems -- Students with memory problems -- Technology for use with students -- Students with language disorders -- Technology for students with communications disorders -- Students with behavioral disorders -- Managing student behaviors -- [12.] Techniques for students with sensory and physical challenges. Students with hearing impairments -- Technology for use with the hearing impaired -- Students with visual impairments -- Technology for use with the visually impaired -- Students with physical challenges and health impairments -- Technology for use with the physically impaired -- [13.] Curriculum and material modifications. Matching the student and the curriculum -- Relationships between curriculum and instruction -- Core curriculum -- Concerns regarding textbooks -- Selection of appropriate textbooks and materials -- Modification of existing textbooks and materials -- Conceptual organization within the curriculum -- Incorporating basic skills -- Homework -- The role of the parent.
Original Publication Information
Delmar Publishers
Recommended Citation
Waldron, K. A. (1996). Introduction to a special education: The inclusive classroom. Delmar Publishers.