Home > Tipití > Vol. 8 > Iss. 2 (2010)
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2010)
Ambiguous Environments
Peter Riviere
The Objects of the Whites: Commodities and Consumerism among the Xikrin-Kayapó (Mebengokre) of Amazonia
Cesar Gordon
The Rain Stars, the World’s River, the Horizon and the Sun’s Path: Astronomy along the Rio Urucauá, Amapá, Brazil
Lesley Green and David Green
Uneasy Neighbors: Maroons and Indians in Suriname
Richard Price
Apapaatai. Rituais de Máscaras no Alto Xingu
Geraldo Andrello
Quem somos nós: os Wari´ encontram os Brancos
Flavio Braune Wiik