Submissions from 2016
An Empirical Examination of an Agile Contingent Project/Method Fit Model, Diana K. Young, N. L. Beebe, G. Dietrich, and C. Z. Liu
Institutional Arrangements and Debt Financing, Shage Zhang
Submissions from 2015
The Interplay Among Software Volatility, Complexity and Development Outcomes: Evidence From Open Source Software, Jorge A. Colazo
Decisiones de Tenencia de Vivienda y Aculturación de la Población Extranjera Residente en España, Mario V. González Fuentes and Carlos Iglesias Fernández
Market Expansion and Intellectual Property Right Strategies of International New Ventures, Q. Li, Deli Yang, T. Yu, and S. Wu
Weighing the Options: Conversations on the Use of Performance Enhancing Gear in Powerlifting, Dominic G. Morais, Ben Pollack, and Jan Todd
Shifting Gear: A Historical Analysis of the Use of Supportive Apparel in Powerlifting, Jan Todd, Dominic G. Morais, Ben Pollack, and Terry Todd
The Power of Triple Contexts on Customer-Based Brand Performance--A Comparative Study of Baidu and Google From Chinese Netizens' Perspective, Deli Yang, M. Sönmez, Q. Li, and Y. Duan
What’s News in Exchange Rate Dynamics: A DSGE Approach, Shage Zhang and Kan Chen
Diversification Discount Over the Long Run: New Perspectives, Shage Zhang and Mieszko Mazura
Submissions from 2014
Performance Implications of Stage-Wise Lead User Participation in Software Development Problem Solving, Jorge A. Colazo
Structural Changes Associated with Temporal Dispersion in Software Development Teams: Evidence from Open Source Software Project Teams, Jorge A. Colazo
Arachnophobia: A Case on Impairment and Accounting Ethics, Julie Persellin, Mike Shaub, and Michael S. Wilkins
The Experience of Former Women Officials and the Impact on the Sporting Community, Jacob K. Tingle, Stacy Warner, and Melanie L. Sartore-Baldwin
Submissions from 2013
The Contribution of Social Simulation in the Advancement of Marketing Issues and Challenges, Mario V. González Fuentes
Homeownership as a Sign of Immigrants' Consumer Acculturation: The Role of Region of Origin, Mario V. González Fuentes and C. Iglesias Fernández
Transformational Learning in Business Education: The Pivotal Role of Experiential Learning Projects, Rita D. Kosnik, Jacob K. Tingle, and Edwin L. Blanton III
Branding Iron: Eugen Sandow's "Modern" Marketing Strategies, 1887-1925, Dominic G. Morais
Lifting the Iron Curtain: Paul Anderson and the Cold War's First Sport Exchange, Dominic G. Morais and Jan Todd
An Investigation of Recent Changes in Going Concern Reporting Decisions Among Big N and Non-Big N Auditors, Linda A. Myers, Jaime Schmidt, and Michael S. Wilkins
Does a Lack of Choice Lead to Lower Quality?: Evidence from Auditor Competition and Client Restatements, Nathan J. Newton, Dechun Wang, and Michael S. Wilkins
Bringing Darkness to Light: The Influence of Auditor Quality and Audit Committee Expertise on the Timeliness of Financial Statement Restatement Disclosures, Jaime Schmidt and Michael S. Wilkins
Interactive Role of Consumer Discrimination and Branding Against Counterfeiting: A Study of Multinational Managers' Perception of Global Brands in China, M. Sönmez, Deli Yang, and G. Fryxell
Developing a Student Employee Leadership Program: The Importance of Evaluating Effectiveness, Jacob K. Tingle, Christina Cooney, Seth E. Asbury, and Sheldon Tate
Officiating Attrition: The Experiences of Former Referees Via a Sport Development Lens, Stacy Warner, Jacob K. Tingle, and Pamm Kellett
Integration and Divergence of Patent Systems across National and International Institutions, Deli Yang and M. Sönmez
Submissions from 2012
Ranking Business and Economics Journals in South America Using the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), J. K. Alexander, L. Pradenas, V. Parada, and Robert F. Scherer
Refinancing Pressure and Earnings Management: Evidence from Changes in Short-term Debt and Discretionary Accruals, L. Paige Fields, Manu Gupta, Michael S. Wilkins, and Shage Zhang
Organizational Trust and Mindfulness in NCAA Division III Athletic Departments, Jacob K. Tingle
An Administrative Mess: A Case Study from the Officiating Community, Stacy Warner, Jacob K. Tingle, and Pamm Kellett
Arm's Length and Captive Transactions: Patent-Based View of Control in Internationalization, Deli Yang
Colour Markability: Registrable in a Few Nations, but Debatable Among Many!, Deli Yang
Compulsory Licensing: For Better or For Worse, the Done Deal Lies in the Balance, Deli Yang
Patent System Measurements: Review, Critique and Proposal, Deli Yang
Patent Trolls: Legit Enforcers or Harrassers?, Deli Yang
Software Protection: Copyrightability vs Patentability?, Deli Yang
Integrated Branding with Mergers and Acquisitions, Deli Yang, D. Davis, and K. Robertson
Marks and Brands: Conceptual, Operational and Methodological Comparisons, Deli Yang, M. Sönmez, and Q. Li
Submissions from 2011
Internal Control Disclosures, Monitoring, and the Cost of Debt, Dan Dhaliwal, Chris E. Hogan, Robert Trezevant, and Michael S. Wilkins
The Assurance of Learning Tool as Predictor and Criterion in Business School Admissions Decisions: New Use for an Old Standard?, B. J. Pesta and Robert F. Scherer
The Relationship Between Organizational Trust and Mindfulness: An Exploration of NCAA Division III Athletic Departments, Jacob K. Tingle
Winning At All Costs: A Case Study, Jacob K. Tingle and Stacy Warner
Sino-US Business Culture: Unending Dealing, Deli Yang
Submissions from 2010
Following the Sun: Temporal Dispersion and Performance in Open Source Software Project Teams, Jorge A. Colazo and Y. Fang
Investigating the Determinants of Business Software Piracy: A Longitudinal Study of European Countries, M. Sönmez, Deli Yang, and A. R. Andrés
Submissions from 2009
Alleviating Piracy Through Open Source Strategy: An Exploratory Study of Business Software Firms in China, T. Pykäläinen, Deli Yang, and T. Fang
Brand Positioning and Anti-Counterfeiting Effectiveness: A Study of Managers' Perceptions of Foreign Brands in China, Deli Yang and G. E. Fryxell
Global Software Piracy: Searching for Further Explanations, Deli Yang, M. Sönmez, D. Bosworth, and G. Fryxell
Submissions from 2008
Evidence on the Audit Risk Model: Do Auditors Increase Audit Fees in the Presence of Internal Control Deficiencies?, Chris E. Hogan and Michael S. Wilkins
Competition for Andersen's Clients, Mark Kohlbeck, Brain W. Mayhew, Pamela Murphy, and Michael S. Wilkins
Can We Talk About Race? And Other Conversations in an Era of School Resegregation [Book review], Jacob K. Tingle
Maximizing Success From the Use of Patents in Global Business, Deli Yang
Pendency and Grant Ratios of Invention Patents: A Comparative Study of the US and China, Deli Yang
Anti-Piracy Effectiveness and Managerial Confidence: Insights From Multinationals in China, Deli Yang, G. E. Fryxell, and A. K. Y. Sie
Submissions from 2007
The Impact of Audit Firm Industry Differentiation on IPO Underpricing, Kun Wang and Michael S. Wilkins
Intellectual Property System in China: A Study of the Grant Lags and Ratios, Deli Yang
The Impact of Business Environments on Software Piracy, Deli Yang
Economic and Cultural Impact on Intellectual Property Violations: A Study of Software Piracy, Deli Yang and M. Sönmez
Submissions from 2006
The Interaction Among Multiple Governance Mechanisms at Young, Newly Public Firms, Tammy K. Berry, L. Paige Fields, and Michael S. Wilkins
Conceptual Issues of Global Counterfeiting on Products and Services, D. Bosworth and Deli Yang
The Reputational Penalty for Aggressive Accounting: Earnings Restatements and Management Turnover, Hemang Desai, Chris E. Hogan, and Michael S. Wilkins
Submissions from 2005
The Pricing of Assurance Services in Secondary Equity Offerings, Neil L. Fargher, Brian W. Mayhew, and Michael S. Wilkins
Introduction: Multinationals and Asia, A. Giroud, A. T. Mohr, and Deli Yang
Manchester United versus China: A Counterfeiting and Trademark Match, M. Sönmez and Deli Yang
Culture Matters to Multinationals' Intellectual Property Business, Deli Yang
Globalisation and Intellectual Property in China, Deli Yang and P. Clarke
The Current Intellectual Property System in China: What Does it Mean for Multinationals?, Deli Yang and P. Clarke
Competitive Analysis of the Software Industry in China, Deli Yang, P. Ghauri, and M. Sönmez
Intangible Balls, Deli Yang and M. Sönmez
Submissions from 2004
Improving Accountability and Performance Reporting in the Non-Profit Sector, P. Clarke and Deli Yang
An Investigation of the Pricing of Audit Services for Financial Institutions, L. Paige Fields, Donald R. Fraser, and Michael S. Wilkins
Insights From China on Multinationals in Intellectual Property Inflows, Deli Yang
Review of the Current Intellectual Property System in China, Deli Yang and P. Clarke
TRIPS Compliance in Developing Countries: Experience in China on Trademark Development, Deli Yang and M. Sönmez
Intellectual Property Abuses: How Should Multinationals Respond?, Deli Yang, M. Sönmez, and D. Bosworth
Submissions from 2003
Audit Firm Industry Specialization as a Differentiation Strategy: Evidence from Fees Charged to Firms Going Public, Brian W. Mayhew and Michael S. Wilkins
The Development of Intellectual Property in China, Deli Yang
The WTO and Trademark Development in China, Deli Yang and M. Sönmez
Submissions from 2002
Patents in China & the WTO, D. Bosworth and Deli Yang
Submissions from 2001
Intellectual Property Laws, Technology Flows, and Licensing Opportunities in the People's Republic of China, D. Bosworth and Deli Yang
Initial Technical Violations of Debt Covenants and Changes in Firm Risk, Neil L. Fargher, Michael S. Wilkins, and Lori M. Holder-Webb
Submissions from 2000
Intellectual Property Law, Technology Flow and Licensing Opportunities in the People's Republic of China, D. Bosworth and Deli Yang
Tests of a Deferred Tax Explanation of the Negative Association between the LIFO Reserve and Firm Value, Dan Dhaliwal, Robert Trezevant, and Michael S. Wilkins
The Impact on IPO Assurance Fees of Commercial Bank Entry into the Equity Underwriting Market, Neil L. Fargher, L. Paige Fields, and Michael S. Wilkins
The Incremental Information Content of SAS No. 59 Going-Concern Opinions, Lori M. Holder-Webb and Michael S. Wilkins
Corporate Disclosure of the Decision to Change the Fiscal Year-End, Thomas L. Porter, Edward P. Swanson, Michael S. Wilkins, and Lori M. Holder-Webb
Articulation in Cash Flow Statements: A Resource for Financial Accounting Courses, Michael S. Wilkins and Martha L. Loudder
Submissions from 1999
The Importance of Call Delays and Cash Flow Positions in Evaluating the Information Content of Convertible Preferred Stock Calls, L. Paige Fields, Michael S. Wilkins, and Eric L. Mais
Submissions from 1998
Timely Industry Information as an Assurance Service: Evidence on the Information Content of the Book-to-Bill Ratio, Neil L. Fargher, Larry R. Gorman, and Michael S. Wilkins
Evidence on Risk Changes Around Audit Qualification and Qualification Withdrawal Announcements, Neil L. Fargher and Michael S. Wilkins
Submissions from 1997
Technical Default, Auditors' Decisions and Future Financial Distress, Michael S. Wilkins
Submissions from 1996
An Empirical Investigation of Stock Dividends-in-Kind, L. Paige Fields and Michael S. Wilkins
Submissions from 1991
The Information Content of Withdrawn Audit Qualifications: New Evidence on the Value of "Subject-To" Opinions, L. Paige Fields and Michael S. Wilkins