Submissions from 2007
Of Birth-Mother and Daughter, Diane J. Graves
The Negative Mystics of the Mechanistic Sublime: Walter Benjamin and Lovecraft's Cosmicism, Jeff Lacy and Steven J. Zani
Submissions from 2006
Visual Information Literacy Via Visual Means: Three Heuristics, Benjamin R. Harris
Monsters We Become: The Development of the Inhuman Narrative Voice, Jeff Lacy
Submissions from 2005
Working with Your Whole Campus to Create an Institutional Repository, Jane Costanza and Beatrice L. Caraway
Voting with Your Hands: GIS and Experiential Learning, Jeremy W. Donald
The Usability Study and Change: Pain, Process, and Predictions A Supplementary Update to The Usability Study of the Coates Library Website: Final Report, Benjamin R. Harris
The Usability Study of the Coates Library Website: Final Report, Benjamin R. Harris
Digital Commons: Starting an Institutional Repository at a Small University, Christopher W. Nolan
Submissions from 2004
Tenure-Track or Tenure Trap?, Christopher W. Nolan
Submissions from 2000
Long Live the Library: The Place of Print in an Age of Electronic Information, Diane J. Graves
Submissions from 1996
"Request for Proposal" or "Run for Protection?" Some Thoughts on RFPs from a Librarian and a Bookseller, Bob Schatz and Diane J. Graves