Response to Intervention in Early Childhood Centers: A Multitiered Approach Promoting Family Engagement

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The emergence of Response to Intervention (RtI) as a framework and logic model for promoting academic and social outcomes for children offers promise. With academic and behavioral screening, ongoing progress monitoring, tailored interventions matched to child need, and data-based decision making as core features it is not surprising that many educators are attracted to the framework. Given this, early and intensive implementation of RtI with young children is a natural consideration as many young children struggle to achieve academic and social competence as they enter school. Additionally, early family support and involvement in child social-emotional development is imperative. This article explores existing RtI models and their adaptation and expansion to support early childhood development in center-based services by summarizing components, documenting the importance of family support in early childhood settings, and reviewing practical approaches that capitalize on the transactional influences of the home and school environments. Although many existing RtI frameworks focus on either academic or behavioral outcomes, this article explores a combined and comprehensive approach to focus on including families in the process to address the prevention of future academic and social-emotional concerns.


Plural Publishing, Inc.

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Early Childhood Services

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