Planning for What Kind of Teaching? Supporting Mentors as Teachers of Planning

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2011


Models of preservice teacher education that include year-long internships require classroom teachers who serve as school-based teacher educators to "bear a large burden for beginning teacher growth" (Bullough Jr., R. & Draper, R., 2004, p. 409). The success of field-based internships rests on cooperating teachers' ability to view teacher candidates as learners of teaching and themselves as teachers of teaching. This means that preservice mentors not only understand the content being taught&emdash;the learning to teach "curriculum"&emdash;but also are able to design learning opportunities based on knowledge of their intern and what she needs to learn (Feiman-Nemser & Remillard, 1996; Tomlinson, 1995).


Caddo Gap Press

Publication Information

Teacher Education Quarterly

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