Home > Tipití > Vol. 18 > Iss. 2 (2022)
Volume 18, Issue 2 (2022)
This volume closes the year 2022, when editor-in-chief Bill Fisher handed over to the new editorial team. Thanks to Bill for all the support and collaboration during this process. It is also in this issue that we open a new section of Tipití, produced by the collaborating editors, a new generation of scholars with specific trajectories in diverse academic contexts. They take advantage of the journal's openness to new authors, audiences, and contribution formats to innovate, multiply and, therefore, democratize approaches to Lowland South America. In their first contribution, in this issue, the collaborating editors publish an interview with the indigenous filmmaker Kamikia Kῖsêdjê.
This issue brings together three very different and arguably exemplary articles from some of the traditional areas in Lowland studies – shamanism, gender, and material culture. Each author’s treatment of her or his topic is cutting-edge. The first article by G. Heurich offers an approach to Araweté shamanism seen from a new angle: the senses of sound. It contributes to studies of animism and the “perspectivist soundscape”. Taking advantage of publication online, the article includes audios and spectrograms of the vocalizations of different relational subjects - the “forest dweller spirits” (Ani) and the “gods or divinities” (Mai). The second article by J. Welsh reinvigorates understanding of age cohorts among the A’uwe Xavante, here seen from the field of manhood and masculinity studies. The article is based on a dense ethnography of the male experience, arguing that the links between mentors and their protégés are central to A'uwe male experience, as well as in the disentanglement of relations between different age-sets – between camaraderie and competition. Bill Fisher was still fully responsible for the editorship of Brañas and colleague’s article “Ticuna Ceramics amidst the Expansion of Illicit Coca”. He acknowledges that they offer us a detailed analysis of the craft of ceramic production. They document how it has been taken up by a younger generation that is responding to the challenges and opportunities within a zone of illicit drug-related employment and government eradication and cultural revitalization campaigns.
Movements in C minor: Vocal Soundscapes in Eastern Amazonia (Araweté)
Guilherme Orlandini Heurich
Camaraderie, mentorship, and manhood: Contemporary Indigenous identities among the A’uwẽ (Xavante) of Central Brazil
James R. Welch
Ticuna Ceramics Amidst the Expansion of Illicit Coca: Rendering New Relations
Manuel Martín Brañas, Sydney M. Silverstein, Margarita del Aguila Villacorta, Ricardo Zárate Gómez, Cecilia Núñez Pérez, Alonso Cándido Yumbato, Juan José Palacios Vega, and Rosario Rodríguez Romaní
Collaborating Editors Section
“Quando eu crescer, quero ser um fotógrafo”: caminhos da produção audiovisual de Kamikia Kisêdjê
Rodrigo Lacerda, Ximena Flores Rojas, and Tatiane Maíra Klein
“Cuando crezca, quiero ser fotógrafo”: caminos de la producción audiovisual de Kamikia Kisêdjê
Rodrigo Lacerda, Ximena Flores Rojas, and Tatiane Maíra Klein

- Editor-in-chief
- Susana Matos Viegas
- Associate Editors
- Cecilia McCallum, Joana Cabral Oliveira, Guillermo Wilde
- Collaborating Editors
- Amiel Ernenek Mejía Lara, Emily Colon, Felipe Cruz Tuxá, João Roberto Bort Júnior, Karen Shiratori, Maria Ximenas Flores Rojas, Michaël Brohan, Noelia Enriz, Rodrigo Lacerda, Tatiane Maíra Klein
- Editorial Assistant
- João Roberto Bort Jr.
- Formatting and design
- Gustavo Fiorini
- Copy editor for Portuguese
- Janaína Tatim
- Copy editor for Spanish
- Natalia Matta-Jara
- Copy editor for English
- Veronika Groke