Submissions from 2014
The Meaning of Feeling, Michael Schreyach
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Sikhism, Simran Jeet Singh
World Religions: Sikhs, Seventh-day Adventists and Mennonites, Simran Jeet Singh
Experimental Tests of Free-Volume Tracer Diffusion in Water and Other Solvents, Daniel Spiegel, Paulses C. Kollie, and Scott J. Van Tilburg
Moderators and Predictors of Response to Eating Disorder Risk Factor Reduction Programs in Collegiate Female Athletes, T M. Stewart, Maribel Plasencia, H Han, H Jackson, and Carolyn Becker
The Altar at Home: Sentimental Literature and Nineteenth-Century American Religion, Claudia Stokes
The Religious Novel, Claudia Stokes
Containing Pariah Femininities: Lesbians in the Sorority Rush Process, Amy L. Stone and A. Gorga
"¡Ay, Reino Mal Gobernado!": The Monarchy in Mira de Amescua’s Las Desgracias del Rey Don Alfonso, el Casto, Matthew D. Stroud
Taking Matters into Their Own Hands: Heroic Women of the Early Reconquest in the Spanish Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
The Wife-Murder Plays, Matthew D. Stroud
Dirty Traffic and the Dark Pastoral in the Anthropocene: Narrating Refugees, Deforestation, Radiation, and Melting Ice, Heather I. Sullivan
Choosing the Jesus Way: American Indian Pentecostals and the Fight for the Indigenous Principle, Angela Tarango
Coming Home: The Latina/o Queer Zone of Comfort, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Sea Snake Harvest in the Gulf of Thailand, N. Van Cao, N. Thien Tao, A. Moore, Alfred Montoya, A. R. Rasmussen, K. Broad, H. K. Voris, and Z. Takacs
Multi-Region Hemispheric Specialization Differentiates Human from Nonhuman Primate Brain Function, H-Y. Wey, Kimberley A. Phillips, D. R. McKay, A. R. Laird, P. Kochunov, M. D. Davis, D. C. Glahn, T. Q. Duong, and P. T. Fox
Submissions from 2013
Expelled Once Again: The Fantasy of Living the Counterlife in Roth’s Nemesis, Victoria Aarons
Foreword --Roth's Psychoanalytic Selves [in Philip Roth - The Continuing Presence: New Essays on Psychological Themes], Victoria Aarons
Foreword: Saul Bellow’s Urban Landscapes, Victoria Aarons
Guardians of the Torah: Ambiguity and Antagonism in The Promise, Victoria Aarons
“Just as He’d Feared from the Start”: The Treachery of Desire in Philip Roth’s Nemesis, Victoria Aarons
Memory, Conscience, and the Moral Weight of Holocaust Representation, Victoria Aarons
The Trauma of History in The Gates of the Forest, Victoria Aarons
‘Washed Up on the Shores of Truth’: Saul Bellow’s Post-Holocaust America, Victoria Aarons
Effects of Human Land Use on Prey Availability and Body Condition in the Green Anole Lizard, Anolis carolinensis, Andrew C. Battles, Tara K. Whittle, Chelsea M. Stehle, and Michele A. Johnson
I’m Not Just Fat, I’m Old: Has the Study of Body Image Talk Overlooked “Old Talk?”, Carolyn Becker, Phillippa C. Diedrichs, G. Jankowski, and Chelsey Werchan
Reducing Self-Objectification: Are Dissonance-Based Methods a Possible Approach?, Carolyn Becker, Kaitlin Hill, Rebecca Greif, H. Han, and Tiffany Stewart
Oxford Handbook on Adam Smith, Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli, and Craig Smith
Bone Marrow-Derived Microglia-Based Neurturin Delivery Protects Against Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease, K. C. Biju, R. A. Santacruz, C. Chen, Q. Zhou, J. Yao, S. L. Rohrabaugh, R. A. Clark, James Lewis Roberts, Kimberley A. Phillips, S. Z. Imam, and S. Li
Friendships: Epistemically Dangerous Liaisons?, Curtis Brown
Dear Stranger: Poems, Jennifer Browne
Friendship in Kallipolis, Damian Caluori
Thinking About Friendship: Historical and Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives, Damian Caluori
Archaeology Meccas of Tourism: Exploration, Protection, and Exploitation, Q E. Castañeda and Jennifer P. Mathews
Attention to Explicit and Implicit Contrast in Verb Learning, Jane B. Childers, Amy Hirshkowitz, and Kristin Benavides
Colorful Displays Signal Male Quality in a Tropical Anole Lizard, E. G. Cook, Troy G. Murphy, and Michele A. Johnson
The Contemporary Relevance of the Iliad, Erwin F. Cook
Effects of Different Geomagnetic Storm Drivers on the Ring Current: CRCM Results, W D. Cramer, Niescja E. Turner, M C. Fok, and N Y. Buzulukova
Sexual Dimorphisms in Habitat-Specific Morphology and Behavior in the Green Anole Lizard, A K. Dill, T J. Sanger, A C. Battles, and Michele A. Johnson
Sexual Dimorphisms in Habitat-Specific Morphology and Behavior in the Green Anole Lizard, A K. Dill, T J. Sanger, Andrew C. Battles, and Michele A. Johnson
Bold Speech, Opposition, and Philosophical Imagery in the Acts of the Apostles, Rubén R. Dupertuis
When Apostles Become Philosophers, Rubén R. Dupertuis
Engaging Early Christian History: Reading Acts in the Second Century, Rubén R. Dupertuis and Todd Penner
Irony in Emmanuel Carrère’s La Moustache, Nina Ekstein
Use of Resources Report: Moving Beyond Circulation Statistics, Integrating E-Usage that Matters, Lanette Garza
San Antonio Condensate Collection and Use Manual for Commercial Buildings, Diana D. Glawe
Scholarly Communications and the Role of the Liberal Arts College Library, Diane J. Graves
The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East, M. L. Haas and David W. Lesch
Subversive Infusions: Integrating Information Literacy Across the Curriculum, Benjamin R. Harris
The New ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards: Revising Reception, Benjamin R. Harris
Animal, Vegetable, Deliverable: What the QEP Is Teaching Us About Students, Faculty, and Information Literacy Learning, Benjamin R. Harris and Anne Jumonville Graf
Are They Ready for College Research?, Benjamin R. Harris and Anne Jumonville Graf
Return to Cape Gelidonya, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld and G. F. Bass
American Newspaper Comics: An Encyclopedic Reference Guide [book review], Michael Hughes
OAPEN-UK, Michael J. Hughes
PeerJ, Michael J. Hughes
[Review of the book Historical dictionary of Scandinavian cinema, by J. Sundholm, et al.], Michael J. Hughes
Using Mobile Technology to Deliver Library Services [book review], Michael J. Hughes
Working in the Data Mine (With Apologies to Allen Toussaint), Michael J. Hughes
Big Data, Small School: Growing Digital Curation Services at a Liberal Arts University, Michael J. Hughes and Megan Toups
Influence of Pressurized Cyclic Stretch and Endothelial Cell Presence on Multipotent Stem Cell Osteogenic Commitment, Andrea C. Jimenez-Vergara, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, and M. S. Hahn
Pedagogically Savvy Approaches to Library Tours, Show-and-Tell, and Other ‘Old School’ Instruction Scenarios, Anne Jumonville Graf and Amy Nicole Roberson
The World of College Writing: What Can You Expect?, Anne Jumonville Graf, Jennifer Rowe, and Shelly Gordon
Music, Andrew Kania
Platonism vs. Nominalism in Contemporary Musical Ontology, Andrew Kania
Correlation for the Convective and Diffusive Evaporation of a Sessile Drop, Peter Kelly-Zion, J. Batra, and Christopher J. Pursell
Vapor Distribution above an Evaporating Sessile Drop, Peter Kelly-Zion, Christopher J. Pursell, N Hasbamrer, B Cardozo, K Gaughan, and Kevin Nickels
A Canadian View of the Second Sophistic? [Review], Lawrence Kim
Figures of Silence in Dio Chrysostom's First Tarsian Oration (Or. 33): Aposiopesis, Paraleipsis, and Huposiôpêsis, Lawrence Kim
Orality, Folktales and the Cross-Cultural Transmission of Narrative, Lawrence Kim
Strabo, Lawrence Kim
Web-Scale Discovery Services and Information Literacy: Pros and Cons, Jeff Lacy
A Supplemental Analysis of Selected Two-Vehicle Front-to-Rear Collisions from the NASS/CDS, Jack Leifer
Adaptation, Steven Luper
Exhausting Life, Steven Luper
Community and Ecosystem Effects of Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) and Nitrogen Deposition in the Sonoran Desert, Kelly G. Lyons, B. G. Maldonado-Leal, and G. Owen
Houses in a Landscape: Memory and Everyday Life Mesoamerica ‐ by Hendon, Julia A. [Review of the book Houses in a Landscape: Memory and Everyday Life in Mesoamerica, by J. A. Hendon], Jennifer P. Mathews
The Life Giving Stone: Ethnoarchaeology of Maya Metates ‐ by Searcy, Michael T [Review of the book The Life-Giving Stone: Ethnoarchaeology of Maya Metates, by M. T. Searcy], Jennifer P. Mathews
How to Argue with a Computer: HIV/AIDS, Numbers, and the Form of the Future in Contemporary Vietnam, Alfred Montoya
The Chica Rara as Observer in Concha Alós’s Los Cien Pájaros, Debra J. Ochoa
Mathematical Classification of Tight Junction Protein Images, Katherine H. Ogawa, Caitlin M. Troyer, Robert G. Doss, Farzan Aminian, Eduardo C. Balreira, and Jonathan M. King
Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space [Review], Timothy M. O'Sullivan
Woman Trouble: True Love and Homecoming in Pedro Almodóvar's Volver (2006), Corinne Ondine Pache
Introduction to Special Section on Primate Neurothology, Kimberley A. Phillips
Performance Asymmetries in Tool Use are Associated with Corpus Callosum Integrity in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study, Kimberley A. Phillips, J. Schaeffer, E. A. Barrett, and William D. Hopkins
Corpus Callosal Microstructure Influences Intermanual Transfer in Chimpanzees, Kimberley A. Phillips, J. Schaeffer, and William D. Hopkins
Hand Preference for Tool-Use in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) is Associated with Asymmetry of the Primary Motor Cortex, Kimberley A. Phillips and C. R. Thompson
Vulnerable Bodies: Feminist Reflection on the Holocaust and Nature, Sarah K. Pinnock
David Foster Wallace and Lovelessness, David P. Rando
Psychological Skills Do Not Always Help Performance: The Moderating Role of Narcissism, R. Roberts, T. Woodman, L. Hardy, L. Davis, and Harry M. Wallace
Barnett Newman's “Sense of Space”: A Noncontextualist Account of Its Perception and Meaning, Michael Schreyach
Fixed Ecstasy: Joan Miró in the 1920s, Michael Schreyach
Pre-objective Depth in Merleau-Ponty and Jackson Pollock, Michael Schreyach
Ins and Outs of Queens: Richmond Hill, Shabana Sharif and Simran Jeet Singh
Let Sikhs Serve in the U.S. Military, Prabhjot Singh and Simran Jeet Singh
Interrogating the Homeland-Diaspora Construct, Simran Jeet Singh
Suppression-Induced Reduction in the Specificity of Autobiographical Memories, Elizabeth Stephens, Amy Braid, and Paula T. Hertel
Silence in Catullus, Benjamin Eldon Stevens
Eating Disorder Prevention: Current Evidence-Base and Future Directions, Eric Stice, Carolyn Becker, and S. Yokum
The Religious Revival: Narratives of Religious Origin in US Culture [Review], Claudia Stokes