Submissions from 1991
Belief and Rationality, Curtis Brown and Steven Luper-Foy
A Note on the Text of Sextus Empiricus, Adv. Math. 7.131, Erwin F. Cook
Pyrame and Thisbé: Lost in a "Minimalist" World, Nina Ekstein
Wordsworth: The Sense of History [Review], Michael Fischer
Laudate Dominum: 13 Hymn Tune Descants for Choir and Organ, David Heller
Recalling in a State of Natural or Experimental Depression, Paula T. Hertel and S. S. Rude
Depressive Deficits in Memory: Focusing Attention Improves Subsequent Recall, Paula T. Hertel and S. S. Rude
The Dialectical Convergence of Rhetoric and Ethics: The Imperative of Public Conversation, Lawrence Kimmel
Clotaldo's Daughter, Matthew D. Stroud
"¿Y Sois Hombre o Sois Mujer?": Sex and Gender in Tirso’s Don Gil de las Calzas Verdes, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1990
How to Believe the Impossible, Curtis Brown
Metaphoric Worlds: Conceptions of a Romantic Nature [Review], Michael Fischer
Remembering With and Without Awareness in a Depressed Mood: Evidence of Deficits in Initiative, Paula T. Hertel and T. S. Hardin
Fine Tuning: An Analysis of Bronze Age Potmarks as Clues to Maritime Trade, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
The Ship of Saint Paul: Historical Background, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Boundaries: The Primal Force and Human Face of Evil, Lawrence Kimmel
Death, and the Elemental Passion of the Soul: An Ancient Philosophical Thesis, With Poetic Counterpoint, Lawrence Kimmel
The Anatomy of Aggression, Steven Luper
Religion and the Body: Rematerializing the Human Body in the Social Sciences of Religion, Meredith B. McGuire
Educational Heterogamy and Marital Satisfaction Between Spouses, Sheryl R. Tynes
Submissions from 1989
Adult Age Differences in Knowledge of Retrieval Processes, L. J. Anooshian, S. L. Mammarella, and Paula T. Hertel
Le Misanthrope and Tartuffe: Two Critiques of Verbal Portraiture, Nina Ekstein
The Portrait on Stage in Molière's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Emerson and Skepticism: The Cipher of the World [Review], Michael Fischer
The Generation Effect: A Reflection of Cognitive Effort?, Paula T. Hertel
Symbols, Referents, and Theatrical Semantics: The Use of Hands in the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
The Comedia as Playscript, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1988
Internal Realism: Transcendental Idealism?, Curtis Brown
Noise and (In)coherence in Le Roman Comique, Nina Ekstein
Accepting the Romantics as Philosophers, Michael Fischer
Monitoring External Memory, Paula T. Hertel
Technology: The Future of Our History, Lawrence Kimmel
The Knower, Inside and Out, Steven Luper
Submissions from 1987
What is a Belief State?, Curtis Brown
Literature and the Question of Philosophy [Review], Michael Fischer
Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems: An Introductory Reader for Philosophy, Peter A. French and Curtis Brown
Doxastic Skepticism, Steven Luper
The Causal Indicator Analysis of Knowledge, Steven Luper
Belief Systems and Illness Experiences: The Case of Non-Medical Healing Groups, Meredith B. McGuire and D. J. Kantor
Further Considerations of History and Law in the Wife-Murder "Comedias", Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1986
Overriding Reasons and Reasons to be Moral, Curtis Brown
Wittgenstein and Derrida [Review], Michael Fischer
The Accuracy of Beliefs About Retrieval Cues, Paula T. Hertel, L. J. Anooshian, and P. W. Ashbrook
Confusing Memories for Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Paula T. Hertel and Alice Narvaez
Competing for the Good Life, Steven Luper
La Literatura y la Mujer en el Barroco: Valor, Agravio y Mujer, de Ana Caro, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1985
Self-Esteem and Beliefs About Memory in Environmentally Stable and Relocated Students, L. J. Anooshian, P. W. Ashbrook, and Paula T. Hertel
The Comic Récit: Les Plaideurs, Nina Ekstein
Isolation and Adaptation in Passage Memory, Paula T. Hertel
Sense and Sensibility, Lawrence Kimmel
Annihilation, Steven Luper
The Reliabilist Theory of Rational Belief, Steven Luper
Love, Friendship, and Deceit in La Traición en la Amistad by María de Zayas, Matthew D. Stroud
Martyrs, Martyrdom, and the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
Cognitive Interdependence in Close Relationships, Daniel M. Wegner, T. Giuliano, and Paula T. Hertel
Submissions from 1984
The Necessary a Posteriori: A Response to Tichý, Curtis Brown
Narrative Reliability and Spatial Limitations in Bajazet, Nina Ekstein
Commentary: Advertising in Arcadia, Lawrence Kimmel
What Skeptics Don't Know Refutes Them, Steven Luper
Some Practical Thoughts on Producing Calderón’s Court Plays, Matthew D. Stroud
The Comedia as Potboiler: Juan de Cabeza’s Matar por zelos su dama, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1983
Bonuses and Bribes: Mood Effects in Memory, A. K. Boggiano and Paula T. Hertel
Andromaque. V,v: Disorder, Irony, and Progression, Nina Ekstein
The Functions of the Récit in L'Ecole des Femmes, Nina Ekstein
Blake, Hegel and Dialectic [Review], Michael Fischer
Relative Intestine Length and Feeding Ecology of Freshwater Fishes, David O. Ribble and M H. Smith
The Resocialization of the Mujer Varonil in Three Plays by Vélez, Matthew D. Stroud
Tirso's Wife-Murder Play: La Vida y Muerte de Herodes, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1982
Remembering Reactions and Facts: The Influence of Subsequent Information, Paula T. Hertel
Stylistic Considerations of Calderón’s Opera Librettos, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1981
The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation [Review], Michael Fischer
La Numancia Como Auto Secular, Matthew D. Stroud
Los Comendadores de Córdoba: Realidad, Manierismo y el Barroco, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1980
Passage Recall: Schema Change and Cognitive Flexibility, Paula T. Hertel, M. Codsen, and P. J. Johnson
Submissions from 1979
Constructive Memory for Bizarre and Sensible Sentences, Paula T. Hertel and H. C. Ellis
Cognitive Effort and Memory, S. W. Tyler, Paula T. Hertel, M. C. McCallum, and H. C. Ellis
Submissions from 1977
Social-Comic Anagnorisis in La Dama Duende, Matthew D. Stroud