Submissions from 2007
Worlds Are Colliding! Explaining the Fictional in Terms of the Real, Andrew Kania
The Portrait of Homer in Strabo's Geography, Lawrence Kim
Notes on a Poetics of Time, Lawrence Kimmel
The Negative Mystics of the Mechanistic Sublime: Walter Benjamin and Lovecraft's Cosmicism, Jeff Lacy and Steven J. Zani
Mortal Harm, Steven Luper
The Easy Argument, Steven Luper
Three-Body Recombination in One Dimension, Nirav P. Mehta, B D. Esry, and Chris H. Greene
Dishonest ‘Preemptive’ Pursuit-Deterrent Signal? Why the Turquoise-Browed Motmot Wags Its Tail Before Feeding Nestlings, Troy G. Murphy
Lack of Melanized Keratin and Barbs that Fall Off: How the Racketed Tail of the Turquoise-Browed Motmot Eumomota superciliosa is Formed, Troy G. Murphy
Learning the Practice of Field-Based Teacher Education, Patricia J. Norman
Islam, Liberalism, and Xenophobia in Europe, Peter O'Brien
USA: A Civilization of Its Own?, Peter O'Brien
Memory and Exile in María Teresa León’s Las Peregrinaciones de Teresa (1950), Debra J. Ochoa
Walking with Odysseus: The Portico Frame of the Odyssey Landscapes, Timothy M. O'Sullivan
Atrocity and Ambiguity: Recent Developments in Christian Holocaust Responses, Sarah K. Pinnock
Daß nichts gewußt wird (Quod nihil scitur), Franciscus Sanchez, Kaspar Howald, Damian Caluori, and Sergei Mariev
David Smith's Equivalence, Michael Schreyach
Helen Frankenthaler’s Gravity, Michael Schreyach
‘I am Nature’: Science and Jackson Pollock, Michael Schreyach
Seeing Noland’s Feeling, Michael Schreyach
Realists and Reformers in the Nineteenth Century, Claudia Stokes
Los Celos Hasta Los Cielos y Desdichada Estefanía: Honor, Amor, Ideal y Falla en la Obra de Luis Vélez de Guevara, Matthew D. Stroud
The Dangerous Quest for Nature Narratives in Goethe’s Werther: A Reading of the Ruptured Monologue and the Ruptured Body, Heather I. Sullivan
Down the Dublin Road, Karen A. Waldron
Her Place, Karen A. Waldron
Next Year in Jerusalem, Karen A. Waldron
Sources of Courage: An Interview with Dr. Maya Angelou, Karen A. Waldron
Risk, Courage, and Women: Contemporary Voices in Prose and Poetry, Karen A. Waldron, Janice H. Brazil, and Laura M. Labatt
Home-Field Advantage and Disadvantage, Harry M. Wallace
Submissions from 2006
An Extension of Sharkovsky’s Theorem to Periodic Difference Equations, Ziyad AlSharawi, James Angelos, Saber Elaydi, and Leela Rakesh
Peer Facilitated Eating Disorder Prevention: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Cognitive Dissonance and Media Advocacy, Carolyn Becker, Lisa M. Smith, and Anna C. Ciao
Presentations of Finitely Generated Cancellative Commutative Monoids and Nonnegative Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations, Scott T. Chapman, Pedro A. García Sánchez, David Llena, and José Carlos Rosales
Asymptotic Sign-Solvability, Multiple Objective Linear Programming, and The Nonsubstitution Theorem, L Clayton, R Herring, Allen G. Holder, J Holzer, C Nightingale, and T Stohs
Kingship in the Mycenaean World and its Reflections in the Oral Tradition [Review], Erwin F. Cook
The Odyssey in Athens: Myths of Cultural Origins, Erwin F. Cook
The Modern Construction of Myth [Review], Erwin F. Cook
The Sex Lives of Saints: An Erotics of Ancient Hagiography – By Virginia Burrus [Review of the book The Sex Lives of Saints: An Erotics of Ancient Hagiography by V. Burrus], Rubén R. Dupertuis
The Trilogue in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Periodic Difference Equations, Population Biology and the Cushing-Henson Conjectures, Saber Elaydi and Robert J. Sacker
Stanley Cavell and Criticizing the University from Within, Michael Fischer
Visual Information Literacy Via Visual Means: Three Heuristics, Benjamin R. Harris
Freedom of Speech and Press: A Casebook for Undergraduates, Frank Harrison
Associate Justice William O. Douglas, John R. Hermann
Am I Blue? Depressed Mood and the Consequences of Self Focus for the Interpretation and Recall of Ambiguous Words, Paula T. Hertel and L. El-Messidi
Vases Marked for Exchange: The Not-So-Special Case of Pictorial Pottery, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Partitioning Multiple Objective Optimal Solutions with Applications in Radiotherapy Design, Allen G. Holder
Making Tracks: The Ontology of Rock Music, Andrew Kania
Notes on the Art of Memory, Lawrence Kimmel
Paideia: The Learning of Values and the Teaching of Virtue in Public Education, Lawrence Kimmel
Poetics of Death: Intimations and Illusions, Lawrence Kimmel
Monsters We Become: The Development of the Inhuman Narrative Voice, Jeff Lacy
Dretske on Knowledge Closure, Steven Luper
Restorative Rigging and the Safe Indication Account, Steven Luper
Late Formative and Early Classic Interaction Spheres Reflected in the Megalithic Styles, Jennifer P. Mathews and Rubén Maldonado Cárdenas
Lifeways in the Northern Mayan Lowlands: New Approaches to Archaeology in the Yucatán Peninsula, Jennifer P. Mathews and Bethany A. Morrison
Predator-Elicited Visual Signal: Why the Turquoise-Browed Motmot Wag-Displays Its Racketed Tail, Troy G. Murphy
When a PDS Isn't Working: Confronting the Question of Pulling Out, Patricia J. Norman
Critiques of the "Novela Rosa": Martín Gaite, Almodóvar, and Etxebarría, Debra J. Ochoa
The Mind in Motion: Walking and Metaphorical Travel in the Roman Villa, Timothy M. O'Sullivan
Idia kai demosia: Les cadres 'privés' et 'publics' de la religion grecque antique. Actes du IXe colloque du CIERGA, tenu à Fribourg du 8 au 10 septembre 2003 [Review], Corinne Ondine Pache
Solution Methods for the p-Median Problem: An Annotated Bibliography, Josh Reese
Archaeologists Working with the Contemporary Yucatec Maya, Dominique Rissolo and Jennifer P. Mathews
Sikh Leadership: Establised Ideals and Diasporic Reality, Harinder Singh and Simran Jeet Singh
Writers in Retrospect: The Rise of American Literary History, 1875-1910, Claudia Stokes
Another Look at Calderón’s El Príncipe Constante as Tragedy, Matthew D. Stroud
Defining the Comedia: On Generalizations Once Widely Accepted That are no Longer Accepted so Widely, Matthew D. Stroud
The Closest Reading: Creating Annotated Editions, Matthew D. Stroud
Energetics of Magnetic Storms Driven by Corotating Interaction Regions: A Study of Geoeffectiveness, Niescja E. Turner, E J. Mitchell, D J. Knipp, and B A. Emery
Books from 2005
What Happened to Abraham?: Reinventing the Covenant in American Jewish Fiction, Victoria Aarons
Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2-7 August 2004, Linda J S Allen, Bernd Aulbach, Saber Elaydi, and Robert Sacker
Reducing Eating Disorder Risk Factors in Sorority Members: A Randomized Trial, Carolyn Becker, Lisa M. Smith, and Anna C. Ciao
The Convergence of Difference Boxes, Antonio Behn, Christopher Kribs-Zaleta, and Vadim Ponomarenko
Ring Current Development in MHD Simulations, R J. Bruntz, R E. Lopez, Niescja E. Turner, M J. Wiltberger, and J G. Lyon
The Essential Functions of a Plotinian Soul, Damian Caluori
The Relationship Between the Number of Shots and the Quality of Gamma Knife Radiosurgeries, D Cheek, Allen G. Holder, M Fuss, and B Salter
Working with Your Whole Campus to Create an Institutional Repository, Jane Costanza and Beatrice L. Caraway
Density and Cover Preferences of Black-And-Rufous Elephant-Shrews (Rhynchocyon petersi) in Chome Forest Reserve, Tanzania, Stephanie Coster and David O. Ribble
Jump Systems and Laminated Manhattan Sets, Jessica Cuomo, Nkiruka Nwasokwa, and Vadim Ponomarenko
Reconciling Growth with History: Student Engagement and Research on the Southside of San Antonio, John Donahue and Christine Drennon
Voting with Your Hands: GIS and Experiential Learning, Jeremy W. Donald
[Review of the book The Message of Acts in Codex Bezae: A Comparison With the Alexandrian Tradition: Vol. 1. Acts 1.1–5.42: Jerusalem, by J. Rius-Camps & J. Read-Heimerdinger], Rubén R. Dupertuis
[Review of the book The Reception of Luke and Acts in the Period Before Irenaeus: Looking for Luke in the Second Century, by A. Gregory], Rubén R. Dupertuis
The Summaries of Acts 2, 4, and 5 and Plato's Republic, Rubén R. Dupertuis
Over the Top: From the Tragic to the Comic in Corneille, Nina Ekstein
The Odd Man Out: The Kings in Corneille's Machine Plays, Nina Ekstein
Global Stability of Periodic Orbits of Non-Autonomous Difference Equations and Population Biology, Saber Elaydi and Robert J. Sacker
Global Stability of Periodic Orbits of Non-Autonomous Difference Equations and Population Biology, Saber Elaydi and Robert J. Sacker
Nonautonomous Beverton-Holt Equations and the Cushing-Henson Conjectures, Saber Elaydi and Robert J. Sacker
The Rényi-Ulam Pathological Liar Game with a Fixed Number of Lies, Robert B. Ellis, Vadim Ponomarenko, and Catherine H. Yan
The Yalahau Regional Human Ecology Project: An Introduction and Summary of Recent Research, Scott L. Fedick and Jennifer P. Mathews
Multinationals and Asia: Organizational and Institutional Relationships, Axele Giroud, Alexander T. Mohr, and Deli Yang
The Usability Study and Change: Pain, Process, and Predictions A Supplementary Update to The Usability Study of the Coates Library Website: Final Report, Benjamin R. Harris
The Usability Study of the Coates Library Website: Final Report, Benjamin R. Harris
The Asymptotic Optimal Partition and Extensions of the Nonsubstitution Theorem, Julio R. Hasfura-Buenaga, Allen G. Holder, and Jeffrey Stuart
Blasts From the Century Past, David Heller