Submissions from 1998
Ways of Exchange in the LBA Eastern Mediterranean: The Evidence of Marked Vases, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Philosophy, Literature, and Laughter: Notes on an Ontology of the Moment, Lawrence Kimmel
Telling Stories, Lawrence Kimmel
Home Ranges and Social Organization of Syntopic Peromyscus boylii and P. truei, David O. Ribble and S Stanley
Effects of Cutting Ashe Juniper Woodlands on Small Mammal Populations in the Texas Hill Country, K. A. Schnepf, J. A. Heselmeyer, and David O. Ribble
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Matthew D. Stroud
Magnetospheric Response Times Following Southward IMF Turnings, Niescja E. Turner, D N. Baker, T I. Pulkkinen, H J. Singer, and F Mozer
High-altitude Polar Cap Electric Field Responses to Southward Turnings of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, Niescja E. Turner, D N. Baker, T I. Pulkkinen, H J. Singer, F Mozer, and R P. Lepping
Submissions from 1997
Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms and Relativistic Electron Enhancements in the Outer Magnetosphere: ISTP Coordinated Measurements, D N. Baker, X Li, Niescja E. Turner, J H. Allen, L F. Bargatze, J B. Blake, R B. Sheldon, H E. Spence, R D. Belian, G D. Reeves, S G. Kanekal, B Klecker, R P. Lepping, K Ogilvie, R A. Mewaldt, T Onsager, H J. Singer, and G Rostoker
Correlation of Changes in the Outer-Zone Relativistic-Electron Population with Upstream Solar Wind Measurements, J B. Blake, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, K Ogilvie, and R P. Lepping
Social Organization of Neotoma micropus, the Southern Plains Woodrat, Sarah A. Conditt and David O. Ribble
The Perception of Rhythmic Units in Speech by Infants and Adults, C. H. Echols, M. J. Crowhurst, and Jane B. Childers
Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary, Michael Fischer
American Indian Interests and Supreme Court Agenda Setting: 1969-1992 October Terms, John R. Hermann
On the Contribution of Deficient Cognitive Control to Memory Impairment in Depression, Paula T. Hertel
The Poetics of Place, Lawrence Kimmel
Germany's Newest Aliens: The East Germans, Peter O'Brien
Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling During an Isolated Substorm Event: A Multispacecraft ISTP Study, T I. Pulkkinen, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, H J. Singer, L A. Frank, J B. Sigwarth, J Scudder, R Anderson, S Kokubun, R Nakamura, T Mukai, J B. Blake, C T. Russell, H Kawano, F Mozer, and J A. Slavin
The Comedia in Amsterdam, 1609-1621: Rodenburgh's Translation of Aguilar's La Venganza Honrosa, Matthew D. Stroud
The Lessons of Calderón’s La Cisma de Inglaterra, Matthew D. Stroud
The Intercontextuality of Self and Nature in Ludwig Tieck's Early Works, Heather I. Sullivan
The Walking Wounded: Employees' Perspectives on Mergers and Acquisitions, Sheryl R. Tynes
Books from 1996
A Measure of Memory: Storytelling and Identity in American Jewish Fiction, Victoria Aarons
An Assessment of Space Environmental Conditions During the Recent Anik E1 Spacecraft Operational Failure, D N. Baker, J H. Allen, R D. Belian, J B. Blake, S G. Kanekal, B Klecker, R P. Lepping, X Li, R A. Mewaldt, K Ogilvie, T Onsager, G D. Reeves, G Rostoker, R B. Sheldon, H J. Singer, H E. Spence, and Niescja E. Turner
Homer, His Art and His World [Review], Erwin F. Cook
Appropriation and Gender: The Case of Catherine Bernard and Bernard de Fontenelle, Nina Ekstein
The Second Woman in the Theater of Villedieu, Nina Ekstein
Veni Creator Spiritus, David Heller
Emerging Trends in Federal Indian Law, John R. Hermann
American Indians and the Burger Court, John R. Hermann and Karen O'Connor
Practical Aspects of Emotion and Memory, Paula T. Hertel
Solving Problems by Analogy: The Benefits and Detriments of Hints and Depressed Moods, Paula T. Hertel and Alicia J. Knoedler
Appendix G: Trireme Warfare in Thucydides, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Cypriots in the Mycenaean Aegean, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
The Bureaucracy of Trade in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
The PASP Data Base for the Use of Scripts on Cyprus, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Human Kind in Literature: The Ideals of Fiction - The Fiction of Ideals, Lawrence Kimmel
Religion and Healing the Mind/Body/Self, Meredith B. McGuire
Beyond the Swastika, Peter O'Brien
Migration and Its Risks, Peter O'Brien
Unplanned Resistance: Turkish Immigrants in a Postmodern Germany, Peter O'Brien
A Multispacecraft ISTP Study: Substorm Evolution From the Solar Wind to the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, T I. Pulkkinen, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, H J. Singer, J B. Blake, H Spence, L A. Frank, J B. Sigwarth, T Mukai, S Kokubun, R Nakamura, C T. Russell, H Kawano, F Mozer, J A. Slavin, R P. Lepping, R Anderson, G D. Reeves, and L M. Zelenyi
The Mating System of Northern Populations of Peromyscus maniculatus as Revealed by Radiotelemetry and DNA Fingerprinting, David O. Ribble and J S. Millar
"Request for Proposal" or "Run for Protection?" Some Thoughts on RFPs from a Librarian and a Bookseller, Bob Schatz and Diane J. Graves
Sainthood and Psychoanalysis: Tirso's Santa Juana, Matthew D. Stroud
Introduction to a Special Education: The Inclusive Classroom, Karen A. Waldron
Submissions from 1995
The Political Economy of Responsibility in Health and Illness, John Donahue and Meredith B. McGuire
A Woman's Tragedy: Catherine Bernard's 'Brutus', Nina Ekstein
Les Contextes du Portrait Chez Bussy-Rabutin: Fiction et Réalité, Nina Ekstein
Preliminary Evidence for the Existence of a Regional Sacbe Across the Northern Maya Lowlands, Scott L. Fedick, D. Reid, and Jennifer P. Mathews
Journeys Home: The Pathos of Place, Lawrence Kimmel
The Box Ni Group of Naranjal, and Early Architecture of the Maya Lowlands, Jennifer P. Mathews
The Clerk Connection: Appearances Before the Supreme Court by Former Law Clerks, Karen O'Connor and John R. Hermann
The Role of Clerks in the Work of the U.S. Supreme Court, Karen O'Connor and John R. Hermann
The Demand for Love and the Mediation of Desire in La Traición en la Amistad, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1994
Emotionality in Free Recall: Language Specificity in Bilingual Memory, L. J. Anooshian and Paula T. Hertel
A Note on Odyssey 3.216-38, Erwin F. Cook
Depression and Memory: Are Impairments Remediable Through Attentional Control?, Paula T. Hertel
Depressive Deficits in Memory: Implications of Research and Theory for Memory Improvement Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Paula T. Hertel
Depressive Deficits in Word Identification and Recall, Paula T. Hertel
Depressive Deficits in Recognition: Dissociation of Recollection and Familiarity, Paula T. Hertel and S. Milan
Drugs, Morality and the Law, Steven Luper and Curtis Brown
Effects of Alcohol and Expectancy Upon Episodic Memory in Individuals Reporting Alcoholic Blackouts, W. R. Miller, Paula T. Hertel, C. Saucedo, and R. K. Hester
Identity Crisis in the New Germany, Peter O'Brien
Reflections on the "Political" Scholar, Peter O'Brien
The Underside of John Locke's Philosophy: The Politics of Distrust, Peter O'Brien
Rivalry and Violence in Lope's El Castigo Sin Verganza, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1993
Belief States and Narrow Content, Curtis Brown
Language, Power, and Gender in Tristan’s La Marianne and La Mort de Sénèque, Nina Ekstein
The Destabilization of the Future in Racine's Iphigénie, Nina Ekstein
The Weight of the Future in Racine's Theater, Nina Ekstein
Cognition, Emotion, and Memory: Some Applications and Issues, H. C. Ellis and Paula T. Hertel
Delicate Subjects: Romanticism, Gender, and the Ethics of Understanding [Review], Michael Fischer
Wittgenstein as a Modernist Philosopher, Michael Fischer
Implications of External Memory for Investigations of Mind, Paula T. Hertel
Incised Marks (Post-Firing) on Aegean Wares, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
Islam vs. Liberalism in Europe, Peter O'Brien
Genre and Lack in the Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
The Desiring Subject and the Promise of Salvation: A Lacanian Study of Sor Juana's El Divino Narciso, Matthew D. Stroud
The Electronic Comedia, Matthew D. Stroud
Submissions from 1992
Direct and Indirect Belief, Curtis Brown
The Ferrymen of Elysium: Nostratic Eschatology and the Homeric Phaeacians, Erwin F. Cook
Reference and Resemblance in the Seventeenth-Century Literary Portrait, Nina Ekstein
Women's Images Effaced: The Literary Portrait in Seventeenth-Century France, Nina Ekstein
Wordsworth and the Recovery of Hope, Michael Fischer
Manual on Hymn Playing: A Handbook for Organists, David Heller
Emotion, Mood, and Memory, Paula T. Hertel
Improving Memory and Mood Through Automatic and Controlled Procedures of Mind, Paula T. Hertel
Cypriot Marks on Mycenaean Pottery, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld
The Sounds of Music: First Movement, Lawrence Kimmel
Syria and the United States: Eisenhower's Cold War in the Middle East, David W. Lesch
Justice and Natural Resources, Steven Luper
The Absurdity of Life, Steven Luper
Constructivity in Computer Science, J. Paul Myers Jr. and Michael J. O'Donnell
German-Polish Migration: The Elusive Search for a German Nation-State, Peter O'Brien
Dispersal in a Monogamous Rodent, Peromyscus californicus, David O. Ribble
Lifetime Reproductive Success and Its Correlates in the Monogamous Rodent, Peromyscus californicus, David O. Ribble
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities: Strategies for Success, Karen A. Waldron
Special Education: The Challenge of the Future, Karen A. Waldron, Albert E. Riester, and John H. Moore
Submissions from 1991
Believing the Impossible, Curtis Brown