Recent works of scholarship from members of the Trinity University faculty, including faculty authored books.


Submissions from 2003


Authenticity, Authoriality, and the Nature of Electronic Texts: Don Quijote in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Matthew D. Stroud


Gender and the Gaze: Sor Juana, Lacan, and Spanish Baroque Poetry, Matthew D. Stroud

Estudio Onomástico de los Personajes en Las Aventuras de Don Chipote o Cuando los Pericos Mamen, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz

Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China, Deli Yang

Submissions from 2002


Poincaré Types Solutions of Systems of Difference Equations, Raghib Abu-Saris, Saber Elaydi, and Sophia Jang


An Extension of the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming, A Brown, A Gedlaman, Allen G. Holder, and S Martinez


Art, Oppression, and the Autonomy of Aesthetics, Curtis Brown


On the Number of Factorizations of an Element in an Atomic Monoid, Scott T. Chapman, Juan Ignacio García-García, Pedro A. García Sánchez, and José Carlos Rosales


Two-Year-Olds Learn Novel Nouns, Verbs, and Conventional Actions From Massed or Spaced Exposures, Jane B. Childers and M. Tomasello


[Review of the book Introduction to the New Testament, Vol. 2: History and Literature of Early Christianity, by H. Koester], Rubén R. Dupertuis


Metaphors of Mathematics in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein


Sophonisbe's Seduction: Corneille Writing Against Mairet, Nina Ekstein


Women and Marriage in Corneille's Theater, Nina Ekstein


Global Stability of Cycles: Lotka-Volterra Competition Model with Stocking, Saber Elaydi and Abdul-Aziz Yakubu


What is Method and Why Does it Matter?, Michael A. Elliott and Claudia Stokes


Emotional Episodes Facilitate Word Recall, Paula T. Hertel and C. Parks


Marks on Pots: Patterns of Use in the Archaeological Record at Enkomi, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


The Illusion of Realism in Film, Andrew Kania


Death, Steven Luper

Beyond Theodicy: Jewish and Christian Continental Thinkers Respond to the Holocaust, Sarah K. Pinnock

Energy Dissipation During a Geomagnetic Storm: May 1998, T I. Pulkkinen, N Yu Ganushkina, E I. Kallio, G Lu, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, T A. Fritz, J F. Fennell, and J L. Roeder


Reading Gravity's Rainbow After September Eleventh: An Anecdotal Approach, David Rando


A Comparison of Home Ranges of Two Species of Peromyscus Using Trapping and Radiotelemetry Data, David O. Ribble, A E. Wurtz, E K. McConnell, J J. Buegge, and K C. Welch Jr

Internationalizing the Business Curriculum: A Field Guide, Robert F. Scherer, S. T. Beaton, M. F. Ainina, and J. F. Meyer


Uxoricidas, Matthew D. Stroud


Reply to Comment on "Evaluation of the Tail Current Contribution to Dst", Niescja E. Turner, D N. Baker, T I. Pulkkinen, and R L. McPherron

Books from 2001

Between Magic and Religion: Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Society, Sulochana R. Asirvatham, Corinne Ondine Pache, and John Watrous


Introduction, Sulochana R. Asirvatham, Corinne Ondine Pache, and John Watrous

Energy Transport and Dissipation in the Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, and T I. Pulkkinen


Specificity of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test in Social Phobia, Carolyn Becker, N. Namour, Claudia Zayfert, and M. T. Hegel


The Role of Pronouns in Young Children’s Acquisition of the English Transitive Construction, Jane B. Childers and M. Tomasello


Cuatro Viajes en la Literatura del Antiguo Egypto [Review of the book Cuatro Viajes en la Literatura del Antiguo Egipto, by J. M. Galán], Rubén R. Dupertuis


Le Change in Corneille and Racine, Nina Ekstein


Uncertainty in Corneille's Héraclius, Nina Ekstein


Periodic Points of the Family of Tent Maps, Julio R. Hasfura-Buenaga and Phillip Lynch

Clerks of the Justices, John R. Hermann

Native American Law, John R. Hermann

Native American Sovereignty, John R. Hermann


Cypriots to the West? The Evidence of Their Potmarks, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


Die Kyprominoische Schrift: Texte und Kontexte, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


Marginal and Parametric Analysis of the Central Optimal Solution, Allen G. Holder, J F. Sturm, and S Zhang


And Unto Dust Return: The Remembered Earth, Lawrence Kimmel


Reconciliation and Harmony: The Philosophical Art of Tragic Drama, Lawrence Kimmel

1979: The Year That Shaped the Modern Middle East, David W. Lesch


Rare Species Loss Alters Ecosystem Function – Invasion Resistance, Kelly G. Lyons and M. W. Schwartz

Chichén Itzá, Jennifer P. Mathews


Radiocarbon Dating of Architectural Mortar: A Case Study in the Maya Region, Quintana Roo, Mexico, Jennifer P. Mathews

Ways of War in the Americas: Mayas and Aztecs (AD 700-1500), Jennifer P. Mathews


Barbarian Bond: Thracian Bendis Among the Athenians, Corinne Ondine Pache

Die Theologie der Zweiten Generation Nach Auschwitz. Eine Kritische Analyse [Theology After Auschwitz: A Critical Analysis of Second Generation Post-Holocaust Theology], Sarah K. Pinnock


Ring Current Ion Composition During Solar Minimum and Rising Solar Activity: POLAR/CAMMICE/MICS Results, T I. Pulkkinen, N Yu Ganushkina, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, J F. Fennell, J L. Roeder, T A. Fritz, M Grande, B Kellett, and G Kettmann


Artistry and Irony in María de Zayas's La Inocencia Castigada, Matthew D. Stroud


Energy Content of the Stormtime Ring Current, Niescja E. Turner, D N. Baker, T I. Pulkkinen, J L. Roeder, J F. Fennell, and V K. Jordanova


Bringing Social Class Home: The Social Class Genealogy and Poverty Lunch Projects, Sheryl R. Tynes

The Colors of the Rainbow: Children's Racial Self-Classification, Sheryl R. Tynes


Unleashing Kids' Potential: What Parents, Grandparents, and Teachers Need to Know, Karen A. Waldron

Submissions from 2000


The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity [Review], Erwin F. Cook


Wetland Manipulation in the Yalahau Region of the Northern Maya Lowlands, Scott L. Fedick, Bethany A. Morrison, B. J. Andersen, S. Boucher, J. C. Acosta, and Jennifer P. Mathews

Teacher Education: From Initial Preparation to Continuing Professional Development, S. Feiman-Nemser and Patricia J. Norman


Entry of Plasma Sheet Particles into the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by POLAR/CAMMICE, N Yu Ganushkina, T I. Pulkkinen, V A. Sergeev, M V. Kubyshkina, D N. Baker, Niescja E. Turner, M Grande, B Kellett, J F. Fennell, J L. Roeder, J A. Sauvaud, and T A. Fritz


Long Live the Library: The Place of Print in an Age of Electronic Information, Diane J. Graves

The Art of Gregorian Paraphrase, David Heller


American Indians in Court: The Burger and Rehnquist Years, John R. Hermann


Approche Cognitive de la Dépression: Pensées Intrusives et Contrôle de la Pensée, Paula T. Hertel


The Cognitive-Initiative Account of Depression-Related Impairments in Memory, Paula T. Hertel


Capacity and Procedural Accounts of Impaired Memory in Depression, Paula T. Hertel and T. Meiser

Designing Music Environments for Early Childhood, Susan H. Kenney and Diane C. Persellin


Crossblood: Literature and the Drama of Survival, Lawrence Kimmel


Paradox and Metaphor: An Integrity of the Arts, Lawrence Kimmel


Poetry, Life, Literature, Lawrence Kimmel


The Aesthetics of Enchantment, Lawrence Kimmel


Platonism and Plagiarism at the End of the Middle Ages, Peter O'Brien

The Courts: The Perils of Paula, Karen O'Connor and John R. Hermann


[Review of the book Roman housing, by S.P. Ellis], Timothy M. O'Sullivan


Ancient Greek Hero Cult. Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult [Review], Corinne Ondine Pache


War Games: Odysseus at Troy, Corinne Ondine Pache


Comedy, Foppery, Camp: Moreto’s El Lindo don Diego, Matthew D. Stroud


Homo/Hetero/Social/Sexual: Gila in Vélez’s La Serrana de la Vera, Matthew D. Stroud


Performativity and Sexual Identity in Calderón’s Las Manos Blancas No Ofenden (White Hands Don't Offend), Matthew D. Stroud


Reconciliation of the Substorm Onset Determined on the Ground and at the Polar spacecraft, P K. Toivanen, D N. Baker, W K. Peterson, H J. Singer, Niescja E. Turner, X Li, K Kauristie, M Syrjasuo, A Keiling, and C A. Kletzing


A Substorm Onset Observed by the POLAR Spacecraft in Conjunction with the IMAGE Chain, P K. Toivanen, D N. Baker, W K. Peterson, A Viljanen, Niescja E. Turner, X Li, and C A. Kletzing


Student Solutions Manual for Elementary Differential Equations and Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, William F. Trench

Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling and Global Energy Budgets in the Earth's Magnetosphere, Niescja E. Turner


Evaluation of the Tail Current Contribution to Dst, Niescja E. Turner, D N. Baker, T I. Pulkkinen, and R L. McPherron

Céramiques Mycéniennes d'Ougarit, Marguerite Yon, Vassos Karageorghis, and Nicolle E. Hirschfeld

Submissions from 1999


"Active" and "Passive" Heroics in the Odyssey, Erwin F. Cook


Staging the Tyrant on the Seventeenth-Century French Stage, Nina Ekstein


Natural Resources, Gadgets, and Artificial Life, Steven Luper

The Moral Life, Steven Luper and Curtis Brown


Islamic Civilisation's Role in the Waning of the European Middle Ages, Peter O'Brien


Race is Dead, Peter O'Brien


Odysseus and the Phaeacians, Corinne Ondine Pache


Research Methods in Cognition and Emotion, W G. Parrott and Paula T. Hertel


Depression-Related Impairments in Prospective Memory, S. S. Rude, Paula T. Hertel, W. Jarrold, J. Covich, and S. Hedlund


The Cypro-Minoan Corpus Project Takes an Archaeological Approach, J. S. Smith and Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


The Cypro-Minoan Corpus Project Wins Best of Show Award, J. S. Smith and Nicolle E. Hirschfeld

Submissions from 1998


Heroism, Suffering, and Change, Erwin F. Cook


The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society and Ideology [Review] / Vernon K. Robbins [Review of the book The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society, and Ideology, by V. K. Robbins], Rubén R. Dupertuis


Mithridate, Displacement, and the Sea, Nina Ekstein


Relation Between Rumination and Impaired Memory in Dysphoric Moods, Paula T. Hertel