Recent works of scholarship from members of the Trinity University faculty, including faculty authored books.


Submissions from 2015


Digital Relics of the Saints of Affliction: HIV/AIDS, Digital Images and the Neoliberalisation of Health Humanitarianism in Contemporary Vietnam, Alfred Montoya


Collagen-Mimetic Hydrogels Promote Human Endothelial Cell Adhesion, Migration and Phenotypic Maturation, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, V. R. Guiza-Arguello, S. M. Becerra-Bayona, J. Erndt-Marino, S. Samavedi, S. Malmut, B. Russell, M. Höök, and M. S. Hahn


Characterization of Sequential Collagen-Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate Interpenetrating Networks and Initial Assessment of Their Potential for Vascular Tissue Engineering, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, Andrea C. Jimenez-Vergara, T. P. Gharat, and M. S. Hahn


Impact of Secondary Reactive Species on the Apparent Decoupling of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate Hydrogel Average Mesh Size and Modulus, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, S. Samavedi, B. Grigoryan, and M. S. Hahn


Impact of Situational Threat on the Behavioral Activation System, Paige E. Naylor, Kaileigh A. Byrne, and Harry M. Wallace


Marx, Nietzsche, and the Workshops of History, Judith Norman


Using Internal and External Evaluation to Shape Teacher Preparation Curriculum: A Model for Continuous Program Improvement, Patricia J. Norman and Sara A S Sherwood

Postmodern Politics: Manipulating Images of Islam in Contemporary Europe, Peter O'Brien

Augustan Literary Tours: Walking and Reading the City, Timothy M. O'Sullivan

Aurati Laquearia Caeli: Roman Floor and Ceiling Decoration and the Philosophical Pose, Timothy M. O'Sullivan


God, Space, & City in the Roman Imagination [Review], Timothy M. O'Sullivan


Take the Monkey and Run, Kimberley A. Phillips, M. K. Hambright, K. Hewes, B. M. Schilder, C. N. Ross, and S. D. Tardif


The Corpus Callosum in Primates: Processing Speed of Axons and the Evolution of Hemispheric Asymmetry, Kimberley A. Phillips, Cheryl D. Stimpson, J. B. Smaers, Mary Ann Raghanti, B. Jacobs, A. Popratiloff, Patrick R. Hof, and Chet C. Sherwood


Tractography of the Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) Corpus Callosum Using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging, D. Platas-Neri, S. Hidalgo-Tobón, B. de Celis Alonso, F. C-P de León, J. Muñoz-Delgado, and Kimberley A. Phillips


Convergent Evolution of Brain Morphology and Communication Modalities in Lizards, Christopher D. Robinson, Michael S. Patton, Brittany M. Andre, and Michele A. Johnson


Re-created Flatness: Hans Hofmann’s Concept of the Picture Plane as a Medium of Expression, Michael Schreyach


20 Fingers: Personal or Political?, Sussan Siavoshi


Data from: Migration and the Evolution of Sexual Dichromatism: Evolutionary Loss of Female Coloration with Migration among Wood-Warblers, Richard K. Simpson, Michele A. Johnson, and Troy G. Murphy

Migration and the Evolution of Sexual Dichromatism: Evolutionary Loss of Female Coloration with Migration among Wood-Warblers, Richard K. Simpson, Michele A. Johnson, and Troy G. Murphy

Mulismophobia, Racialization, and Mistaken Identity: Understanding Anti-Sikh Hate Violence in Post-9/11 America, Simran Jeet Singh


The Texas That I Love Has No Place for Bigotry, Simran Jeet Singh


We're Not Doing Enough to End Hate Among Our Children, Simran Jeet Singh


Un canto en movimiento: "No nos moverán" en Estados Unidos, España y Chile en los siglos XIX y XX, David Spener


The Poetics of Unoriginality: The Case of Lucretia Davidson, Claudia Stokes


Gay and Lesbian Movements, Amy L. Stone

Subjects, Objects, and Psychoanalysis: Lacanian Concepts as Pedagogical Approaches to Don Quixote, Matthew D. Stroud


Nature and the "Dark Pastoral" in Goethe's Werther, Heather I. Sullivan

New Materialism, Heather I. Sullivan


Building Your Local Web One Thread at a Time: Archiving Websites at Trinity University, Megan Toups


Comparative Analysis of Meissner's Corpuscles in the Fingertips of Primates, A. Verendeev, C. Thomas, S. C. McFarlin, William D. Hopkins, Kimberley A. Phillips, and Chet C. Sherwood


When People Evaluate Others, the Level of Others’ Narcissism Matters Less to Evaluators Who are Narcissistic, Harry M. Wallace, Andrew Grotzinger, Tyler J. Howard, and Nousha Parkhill

Submissions from 2014


A Genre of Rupture: The Literary Language of the Holocaust, Victoria Aarons


The Perils of Desire in Philip Roth’s Early Fiction, Victoria Aarons

Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: ICDEA, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, May 26-30, 2013, Ziyad AlSharawi, Jim M. Cushing, and Saber Elaydi


Global Dynamics of Triangular Maps, Eduardo C. Balreira, Saber Elaydi, and Rafael Luís


Local Stability Implies Global Stability for the Planar Ricker Competition Model, Eduardo C. Balreira, Saber Elaydi, and Rafael Luís


An Oracle Method to Predict NFL Games, Eduardo C. Balreira, Brian K. Miceli, and Thomas Tegtmeyer


Variable Temporoinsular Cortex Neuroanatomy in Primates Suggests a Bottleneck Effect in Eastern Gorillas, S. K. Barks, A. L. Bauernfeind, C. J. Bonar, M. R. Cranfield, A. A. de Sousa, J. M. Erwin, William D. Hopkins, A. H. Lewandowski, A. Mudakikwa, Kimberley A. Phillips, Mary Ann Raghanti, Cheryl D. Stimpson, Patrick R. Hof, K. Zilles, and Chet C. Sherwood


Changing the Course of Comorbid Eating Disorders and Depression: What is the Role of Public Health Interventions in Targeting Shared Risk Factors?, Carolyn Becker, Maribel Plasencia, Lisa S. Kilpela, Morgan Briggs, and Tiffany Stewart


The Rape that Woke Up India: Hindu Imagination and the Rape of Jyoti Singh Pandey, C. Mackenzie Brown and Nupur D. Agrawal


Rhetoric and Platonism in Fifth-Century Athens, Damian Caluori


The Art of Discovery: Helping Students Find Inspiration in Unlikely Places, Kelly Grey Carlisle and Anne Jumonville Graf


Structure as Interpretation in the Homeric Odyssey, Erwin F. Cook


Curricular Integration of Technology by the Coates Library, 2008-2013: A Report of the Activities of the Faculty Technology Liaison, Jeremy W. Donald


Results of a Study of the Uses of the Coates Library, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, Jeremy W. Donald and Alexandra Gallin-Parisi

The Challenges of Latino/a Biblical Criticism, Rubén R. Dupertuis

Dramatic Point of View. L’École des Femmes and Le Misanthrope, Nina Ekstein


Thermoresponsive Double Network Micropollared Hydrogels for Controlled Cell Release, R. Fei, H. Hou, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, A. Han, M. S. Hahn, and M. A. Grunlan


Defending Compromise, Michael Fischer


Experiments on Tracer Diffusion in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvent Combinations, Duncan M. Frasch and Daniel Spiegel


E-Content Statistics Schedule, Lanette Garza


E-Content Statistics Schedule: Get it Together and Manage the Chaos of Usage Statistics, Lanette Garza


Integrating E-Usage that Matters, Lanette Garza

Capital and Corporal Punishment in Anglo-Saxon England, Jay Paul Gates and Nicole Marafioti

Railway Travel in Modern Theatre: Transforming the Space and Time of the Stage, Kyle Gillette


Mobile Design Stations and Teaching Walls, Diana D. Glawe


The Humanities in Process, Not Crisis: Information Literacy as a Means of Low-Stakes Course Innovation, Anne Jumonville Graf


Confucian Ren Ethics: The Relational Person and Family Feeling, Jinli He


Continuity and Evolution: The Idea of "Co-creativity" in Chinese Art, Jinli He


Daoist Governance, Humility and Soft Power, Jinli He


Mind Tranquility and Aesthetics Experience, Jinli He

The Great Body Has No Shape, the Great Art is Embodied: Conception of Body in Zhang Huan's Performance Art, Jinli He and Rafał Banka


Spirit-of-This-World Encounters Spirit-of-Tragedy: Wang Guowei and Schopenhauer Through the Hermeneutical Lenses of Kierkegaard and Heidegger, Jinli He and D Jones

Euthanasia, John R. Hermann


Legislator Judges: The Warren Court and Justices' Use of State or International Policies in Criminal Procedure Cases, John R. Hermann


Interpretive Habit Is Strengthened by Cognitive Bias Modification, Paula T. Hertel, Molly Holmes, and Amanda Benbow


Looking on the Dark Side: Rumination and Cognitive Bias Modification, Paula T. Hertel, Nilly Mor, Chiara Ferrari, Olivia Hunt, and Nupur Agrawal


Appendix II: Marked Pottery at Pyla-Kokkinokremos, 2010-2011, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


Signs of Writing? Red Lustrous Wheelmade Vases and Ashkelon Amphorae, Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and Its Context [Review], Nicolle E. Hirschfeld


ReadCube Desktop, Michael J. Hughes


The Evolution of Copulation Frequency and the Mechanisms of Reproduction in Male Anolis Lizards, Michele A. Johnson, Maria Veronica Lopez, Tara K. Whittle, Bonnie K. Kircher, A K. Dill, Divina Varghese, and J. Wade


The Role of Faculty Autonomy in a Course-Integrated Information Literacy Program, Anne Jumonville


The Twisted Femmes Fatales of Christopher Nolan, Andrew Kania


Reducing Eating Disorder Risk Factors: A Controlled Investigation of a Blended Task-Shifting/Train-the-Trainer Approach to Dissemination and Implementation, Lisa S. Kilpela, Kaitlin Hill, Mackenzie Kelly, Joanna Elmquist, Paige Ottoson, Thomas Hildebrandt, and Carolyn Becker


Reducing Eating Disorder Risk Factors: A Controlled Investigation of a Blended Task-Shifting/Train-the-Trainer Approach to Dissemination and Implementation, Lisa S. Kilpela, Kaitlin Hill, Mackenzie Kelly, Joanna Elmquist, Paige Ottoson, D. Keith, Thomas Hildebrandt, and Carolyn Becker


Archaizing and Classicism in the Literary Historical Thinking of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Lawrence Kim


Herbivory in the Northern Curly-Tailed Lizard (Leiocephalus carinatus), Bonnie K. Kircher, Christopher D. Robinson, and Michele A. Johnson


Blood Parasite Infection Differentially Relates to Carotenoid-Based Plumage and Bill Color in the American Goldfinch, D. C. Lumpkin, Troy G. Murphy, and K. A. Tarvin


Persimals, Steven Luper

The King's Body: Burial and Succession in Late Anglo-Saxon England, Nicole Marafioti


Born-Oppenheimer Study of Two-Component Few-Particle Systems Under One-Dimensional Confinement, Nirav P. Mehta


A Combinatorial Proof of a Theorem of Katsuura, Brian K. Miceli

Advances in Health Care Organization Theory, 2nd Edition, Stephen S. Farnsworth Mick and Patrick D. Shay


Interpretation Bias Characterizes Trait Rumination, Nilly Mor, Paula T. Hertel, Thuy Anh Ngo, T. Shachar, and S. Redak


Same Trait, Different Receiver Response: Unlike Females, Male American Goldfinches Do Not Signal Status with Bill Colour, Troy G. Murphy, Joe A. West, T T. Pham, Lucy M. Cevallos, Richard K. Simpson, and K. A. Tarvin


Hydrodynamics of Diatom Chains and Semiflexible Fibres, Hoa Nguyen and L. Fauci


Music and Migratory Subjects in Pedro Almodóvar’s Todo Sobre Mi Madre, Hable con Ella, and Volver, Debra J. Ochoa


Comparative Analysis of a Transition Region Bright Point with a Blinker and Coronal Bright Point Using Multiple EIS Emission Lines, N B. Orange, H M. Oluseyi, D L. Chesny, M Patel, K Hesterly, L Preuss, C Neira, and Niescja E. Turner


"Go Back to Your Loom Dad": Weaving Nostos in the Twenty-First Century, Corinne Ondine Pache


Herakles and the Idea of the Hero, Corinne Ondine Pache


Theban Walls in Homeric Epic, Corinne Ondine Pache


Women After War: Weaving Nostos in Homeric Epic and in the Twenty-First Century, Corinne Ondine Pache


Poly(Sophorolipid) Structural Variation: Effects on Biomaterial Physical and Biological Properties, Y. Peng, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, M. Chen, J. Decatur, M. Hahn, and R. A. Gross

A Concise Guide to Improving Student Learning: Six Evidence-Based Principles and How to Apply Them, Diane C. Persellin and Mary Blythe Daniels


Honesty of a Dynamic Female Aggressive Status Signal: Baseline Testosterone Relates to Bill Color in Female American Goldfinches, T T. Pham, Philip Queller, K A. Tarvin, and Troy G. Murphy


Why Primate Models Matter, Kimberley A. Phillips, K. L. Bales, J. P. Capitanio, A. Conley, P. W. Czoty, B. A. 't Hart, William D. Hopkins, S.L. Hu, L. A. Miller, M. A. Nader, P. W. Nathanielsz, J. Rogers, C. A. Shively, and M.L. Voytko

Holocaust, Mysticism, and Liberation After the Death of God: The Significance of Dorothee Soelle, Sarah K. Pinnock


A Flexible Broadband Antenna and Transmission Line Network for a Wearable Microwave Breast Cancer Detection System, Emily Porter, Gregory Walls, Yahe Zhou, Milica Popović, and Joshua D. Schwartz


Scaling and Alpha-Helix Regulation of Protein Relaxation in a Lipid Bilayer, Liming Qiu, Creighton Buie, Kwan H. Cheng, and Mark W. Vaughn