Recent works of scholarship from members of the Trinity University faculty, including faculty authored books.


Submissions from 2018


An Improved Correlation to Predict Molecular Weight Between Crosslinks Based on Equilibrium Degree of Swelling of Hydrogel Networks, Andrea C. Jimenez Vergara, John Lewis, Mariah S. Hahn, and Dany J. Munoz Pinto


Detecting Bias in Large-Scale Comparative Analyses: Methods for Expanding the Scope of Hypothesis-Testing with HormoneBase, Michele A. Johnson, C. D. Francis, E. T. Miller, C. J. Downs, and Maren N. Vitousek


The Evolution of Androgen Receptor Expression and Behavior in Anolis Lizard Forelimb Muscles, Michele A. Johnson, Bonnie K. Kircher, and Diego J. Castro


Ecomorphological Variation in Three Species of Cybotoid Anoles, A. F. Kahrl, Brittney M. Ivanov, K. C. Wollenberg Valero, and Michele A. Johnson

Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders, Amer Kaissi


Turning Forkhead Box D3 Overexpression to Promote Specific Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells While Reducing Pluripotency in a Three-Dimensional Culture System, T. Kamaldinov, J. Erndt-Marino, P. Diaz-Rodriguez, H. Chen, T. Gharat, Dany J. Munoz Pinto, B. Arduini, and M. S. Hahn


Why Gamers Are Not Narrators, Andrew Kania


Why Gamers are Not Performers, Andrew Kania


Correlation for Sessile Drop Evaporation Over a Wide Range of Drop Volatilities, Ambient Gases and Pressures, Peter Kelly-Zion, Christopher J. Pursell, Gregory N. Wassom, Brenton V. Mandelkorn, and Chris Nkinthorn


Networked Human, Network’s Human: Humans in Networks Inter-Asia, E. Kerr, Connor Graham, and Alfred Montoya

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History, David W. Lesch

The Middle East and the United States: History, Politics, and Ideologies, David W. Lesch and M. L. Haas


Funding Community Controlled Open Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication: The 2.5% Commitment Initiative, David W. Lewis, Lori Goetsch, Diane J. Graves, and Mike Roy


Philosophical Perspectives, Steven Luper


The Moral Standing of the Dead, Steven Luper

Arizona, D. G. Martinez and Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

New Mexico, D. G. Martinez and Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos


IUCN Conservation Status Does Not Predict Glucocortoid Concentrations in Reptiles and Birds, L. B. Martin, Maren N. Vitousek, Jeremy W. Donald, T. Flock, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, Jerry F. Husak, Michele A. Johnson, Bonnie K. Kircher, R. Knapp, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, T. D. Williams, and C. D. Francis


Model for scattering with proliferating resonances: Many coupled square wells, Nirav P. Mehta, Kaden R. A Hazzard, and Christopher Ticknor


Standing Variation and the Capacity for Change: Are Endocrine Phenotypes More Variable That Other Traits?, M. C. Miles, Maren N. Vitousek, Jerry F. Husak, Michele A. Johnson, L. B. Martin, C. C. Taff, C. Zimmer, M. B. Lovern, and M. J. Fuxjager


The Force of Absent Things: HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR Vietnam, and the Afterlife of Aid, Alfred Montoya


El abrazo de la serpiente o la re-escritura del Amazonas dentro de una ética ecológica y poscolonial, Ana María Mutis


What First-Year Teachers Really Want From Principals During Their Induction Year: A Beginning Teacher Study Group's Shared Inquiry, Patricia J. Norman and Sara A S Sherwood


Structuring Field-Based University Methods Courses in a PDS: A Win-Win for Teacher Candidates and Elementary Students, Patricia J. Norman and Melissa Siller


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to PD: Revising PDS Leaders' Roles in Support of Children's Learning Directly, Patricia J. Norman and B. Sparks

The Obama Administration American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and Local School Board Politics, I. S. Okhremtchouk and Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos

Human and Animal Touch in Apuleius' Golden Ass, Timothy M. O'Sullivan


‘A Word From Another World’: Mourning and Similes in Homeric Epic and Alice Oswald’s Memorial, Corinne Ondine Pache

Adam Smith and Rousseau: Ethics, Politics, Economics, Maria Pia Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, and Craig Smith

A Concise Guide to Teaching With Desirable Difficulties, Diane C. Persellin, Mary B. Daniels, and Mary-Ann Winkelmes


Quantification of Hair Cortisol Concentration in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and Tufted Capuchins (Cebus apella), Kimberley A. Phillips, Alyson N. Tukan, Anna D. Rigodanzo, Ryan Reusch, K. M. Brasky, and J. S. Meyer

Dorothee Soelle, Sarah K. Pinnock

Vines, Andrew Porter


X-ray Swift Observations of SN 2018cow, L E. Rivera Sandoval, T J. Maccarone, A Corsi, P J. Brown, David Pooley, and J C. Wheeler

Once and Future Antiquities in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Brett M. Rogers and Benjamin Eldon Stevens


The Role of Emotion Regulation Difficulties in the Connection Between Childhood Emotional Abuse and Borderline Personality Features, Lia Rosenstein, William D. Ellison, E. Walsh, Iwona Chelminski, Kristy Dalrymple, and Mark Zimmerman


The Role of Negative Affect and Self-Concept Clarity in Predicting Self-Injurious Urges in Borderline Personality Disorder Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, J. W. Scala, K. N. Levy, B. N. Johnson, Y. Kivity, William D. Ellison, A. L. Pincus, S. J. Wilson, and M. G. Newman


Beholding Barnett Newman's Adam, Part 1: Scale and Standing, Michael Schreyach


Beholding Barnett Newman's Adam, Part 2: Immanent Iconography, Michael Schreyach


Beholding Barnett Newman's Adam, Part 3: Exposing Creation, Michael Schreyach


Meeting Spaces, Michael Schreyach


Moving Vision: Anne Truitt, Paintings 1972-1991, Michael Schreyach


Never Mind the Pollocks, Michael Schreyach


Spacing Expression, Michael Schreyach


Dynamic Fingering in Adhered Lipid Membranes, Orrin Shindell, N. Mica, Kwan H. Cheng, E. Wang, and V. D. Gordon

Service-Learning With Students With Exceptionalities: A Commitment to Inclusion in General Education Teacher Preparation, Heather Haynes Smith


Using Learning Express-Ways in Special Education Teacher Preparation: Developing Student-Faculty Relationships as a Path to Partnership, Heather Haynes Smith, Anthony Sanchez, M. Peterson-Ahmad, C. Woodbury, and B. B. Mitchell


Cupid and Psyche in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Apuleian Science Fiction?, Benjamin Eldon Stevens


Novel Commonplaces: Quotation, Epigraphs, and Literary Authority, Claudia Stokes


Gender Panics About Transgender Children in Religious Right Discourse, Amy L. Stone

Queer Persistence in the Archive, Amy L. Stone


The Geography of Research on LGBTQ Life: Why Sociologists Should Study the South, Rural Queers, and Ordinary Cities, Amy L. Stone

Goethes Metamorphose der Pflanzen: Die Materie des Grũnen, Heather I. Sullivan

Building Socialism: Architecture and Urbanism in East German Literature, 1955-1973, Curtis Swope


Scientific Misconduct: Why Is Science Such Fertile Ground For Harassment And What Can Be Done About It?, Niescja E. Turner

Nevada, D. A. Verstegen, Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, and D. Martinez


HormoneBase, a Population-Level Database of Steroid Hormone Levels Across Vertebrates, Maren N. Vitousek, Michele A. Johnson, Jeremy W. Donald, C. D. Francis, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, Jerry F. Husak, Bonnie K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L. B. Martin, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, J. J. Uehling, and T. D. Williams


Illuminating Endocrine Evolution: The Power and Potential of Large-Scale Comparative Analyses, Maren N. Vitousek, Michele A. Johnson, and Jerry F. Husak

Thermal and Flow Characteristics of Helical Coils with Reversed Loops, Y. Wang, Jorge L. Alvarado, and Wilson Terrell Jr

Frankenstein and Its Classics: The Modern Prometheus From Antiquity to Science Fiction, Jesse Weiner, Benjamin Eldon Stevens, and Brett M. Rogers

Submissions from 2017

Not Getting It: The Allure of the Counterlife in Early and Late Roth, Victoria Aarons

The Cambridge Companion to Saul Bellow, Victoria Aarons

Third-Generation Holocaust Representation: Trauma, History, and Memory, Victoria Aarons and Alan L. Berger

Judgment Day: Judicial Decision Making at the International Criminal Tribunals, Rosa Aloisi and James Meernik

El Gallo y La Veleta: Ensayos Últimos, Carlos X. Ardavín Trabanco

Compensatory Reversal and the Voluptuous Suffocation: Nightmare and Sexual Revenge in "The Border-Line", Peter Balbert


Global Stability of Higher Dimensional Monotone Maps, Eduardo C. Balreira, Saber Elaydi, and Rafael Luís


Spatially Offset Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Triggering in Galaxy Mergers, R Scott Barrows, Julia M. Comerford, Jenny E. Greene, and David Pooley


From Efficacy to Global Impact: Lessons Learned About What Not to Do in Translating Our Research to Reach, Carolyn Becker


Food Insecurity and Eating Disorder Pathology, Carolyn Becker, Keesha M. Middlemass, Brigitte Taylor, Clara Johnson, and Francesca Gomez


Engaging Stakeholder Communities as Body Image Intervention Partners: The Body Project as a Case Example, Carolyn Becker, Marisol Perez, Lisa S. Kilpela, Phillippa C. Diedrichs, Eva Trujillo, and Eric Stice


From Efficacy to Effectiveness to Broad Implementation: Evolution of the Body Project, Carolyn Becker and Eric Stice


Age Differences in the Desirability of Narcissism, K. R. Berenson, William D. Ellison, and R. Clasing

Arthur Golding's 'A Moral Fabletalk' and other Renaissance Fable Translations, Liza Blake and Kathryn Vomero Santos


Evidence of a Conserved Molecular Response to Selection for Increased Brain Size in Primates, Amy M. Boddy, P. W. Harrison, S. H. Montgomery, J. A. Caravas, Mary Ann Raghanti, Kimberley A. Phillips, N. I. Mundy, and Derek E. Wildman

We Are All Shipwrecks: A Memoir, Kelly Grey Carlisle


Does Variability Across Events Affect Verb Learning in English, Mandarin, and Korean?, Jane B. Childers, Jae H. Paik, Melissa Flores, G. Lai, and Megan Dolan


An Active Galactic Nucleus Caught in the Act of Turning Off and On, Julia M. Comerford, R Scott Barrows, Francisco Müller Sánchez, Rebecca Nevin, Jenny E. Greene, David Pooley, Daniel Stern, and Fiona A. Harrison


Student Edition: Odyssey Book 9, Erwin F. Cook

Strategies Toward the Inclusion of Environmental Education in Educator Preparation Programs: Results from a National Survey, Courtney Crim, Christine Moseley, and Blanche Desjean-Perrotta

Gender and Spanish Urban Spaces: Literary and Visual Narratives of the New Millennium, Maria C. DiFrancesco and Debra J. Ochoa


Model Averaging Based on Rank, Jiang Du, Xiuping Chen, Eddy Kwessi, and Zhimeng Sun

Cinna's Political Ambition, Nina Ekstein

Advances in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: ICDEA, Osaka, Japan, July 2016, Saber Elaydi, Yoshihiro Hamaya, Hideaki Matsunaga, and Christian Pötzsche


It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint, and Other Lessons for Supporting Librarianship and Motherhood, Alexandra Gallin-Parisi

The Ritual Landscape at Persepolis: Glyptic Imagery From the Persepolis Fortification and Treasury Archives, Mark B. Garrison


The E-Resources Playbook: A Guide for Establishing Routine Assessment of E-Resources, Lanette Garza


Temperature of the Plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes HOPE, Kevin J. Genestreti, Jerry Goldstein, Grace D. Corley, William Farner, Lynn M. Kistler, Brian A. Larsen, Christopher G. Mouikis, Chae Ramnarace, Ruth M. Skoug, and Niescja E. Turner

The Arab Spring: The Hope and Reality of Uprisings, M. L. Haas and David W. Lesch


Qing Ethics: An Alternative Perspective?, Jinli He

Jacques Lacan's Mirror Phase and World Literature, Jinli He


Cognitive Bias Modification: Retrieval Practice to Simulate and Oppose Ruminative Memory Biases, Paula T. Hertel, Amaris Maydon, Julia Cottle, and Janna N. Vrijsen


IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library, Colleen Hoelscher


Online Access to American Diocesan Archives: Current State and Lessons for Other Repositories, Colleen Hoelscher


Rethinking Special Collections Moves as Opportunities, not Obstacles, Colleen Hoelscher and Sarah Burke Cahalan


Noninvasive Imaging Technologies in Primates, William D. Hopkins and Kimberley A. Phillips


Fetch Quest: A Select Bibliography of Game Studies Journals, Michael J. Hughes


Keynote Address at the National Society of Collegiate Scholars Induction Ceremony 2017, Michael J. Hughes


Social Explorer, Michael J. Hughes


The Research Needs and Practices of Asian Studies Scholars at Trinity University: A Report for Ithaka S+R, Michael J. Hughes