Recent works of scholarship from members of the Trinity University faculty, including faculty authored books.


Submissions from 2021


Universality in Kinetic Models of Circadian Rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana, Yian Ann Xu, M. Asadi-Zeydabadi, R. Tagg, and Orrin Shindell


Complex Collisions of Ultracold Molecules: A Toy Model, J. K. Yao, Cooper A. Johnson, Nirav P. Mehta, and Kaden R. A Hazzard

Submissions from 2020


“Master Race”: Graphic Storytelling in the Aftermath of the Holocaust, Victoria Aarons


"Sometimes Your Memories Are Not Your Own": The Graphic Turn and the Future of Holocaust Representation, Victoria Aarons

Teaching Holocaust Literature in the Twenty-First Century, Victoria Aarons

The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture, Victoria Aarons and Phyllis Lassner

La Isla Subjetiva: (Obra Dominicana), Carlos X. Ardavín Trabanco

Pasajero de la Literatura (1944-2000): Antonio Fernández Spencer, Carlos X. Ardavín Trabanco


From Relativity to Paraphrenia in D.H. Lawrence's “The Man Who Loved Islands”: Speculations on Einstein, Freud, Gossamer Webs, and Seagulls, Peter Balbert

Solar Copulation and Spiral Rhythm: Norman Mailer, Giovanni Verga, Trigant Burrow, and the Courage of Desire in D.H. Lawrence’s Sun, Peter Balbert

What Does the Wolf Say? Animal Language and Political Noise in Coriolanus, Liza Blake and Kathryn Vomero Santos


The Influence of Social-Grouping on Territorial Defense Behavior in the Black-Crested Titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus), Mirjam J. Borger, Lauren E. Johnson, Nathaly O. Salazar, Cameron L. Dreghorn, J. Komdeur, and Troy G. Murphy


'An Unrivaled Brass Lectorium': The Cloisters Lectern and the Gothic Revival in England, Douglas Brine


'Beautiful Authorities': Augustus W.N. Pugin and Early Netherlandish Painting, Douglas Brine


Musicians and Their Monuments in the Burgundian Netherlands: Some Art Historical Perspectives, Douglas Brine

Asian Religious Responses to Darwinism: Evolutionary Theories in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian Cultural Contexts, C. Mackenzie Brown


Karmic Versus Organic Evolution: The Hindu Encounter with Modern Evolutionary Science, C. Mackenzie Brown


Mestizaje as Lateral Universality: Moving In-Between Cosmopolitan Elitism and Nativist Populism, John Francis Burke


[Review of the Book Faith and Resistance in the Age of Trump, by M. A. De La Torre, Ed.], John Francis Burke

Teaching Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Pedagogy and Practice for Our Classrooms and Communities, M. Cantú-Sánchez, C. de León-Zepeda, and Norma E. Cantu


Coarse-Grained MD Simulations Reveal Beta-Amyloid Fibrils of Various Sizes Bind to Interfacial Liquid-Ordered and Liquid-Disordered Regions in Phase Separated Lipid Rafts with Diverse Membrane-Bound Conformational States, S. Y. Cheng, Yiyi Cao, Marzieh Rouzbehani, and Kwan H. Cheng


Does Children's Visual Attention to Specific Objects Affect Their Verb Learning?, Jane B. Childers, Blaire M. Porter, Megan Dolan, Clare B. Whitehead, and Kevin McIntyre

Media Literacy in a Disruptive Media Environment, William G. Christ and B. S. De Abreu


Mythic Background, Erwin F. Cook


Mythic Background, Erwin F. Cook


Polarized Pluralism: Organizational Preferences and Biases in the American Pressure System, Jesse M. Crosson, A. C. Furnas, and G. M. Lorenz


The Structure of ω-Limit Sets of Asymptotically Non-Autonomous Discrete Dynamical Systems, E. D'Aniello and Saber Elaydi


Effects of Cholesterol in Stress-Related Neuronal Death—A Statistical Analysis Perspective, Maher A. Dayeh, George Livadiotis, Farzan Aminian, Kwan H. Cheng, James Roberts, Nikita Viswasam, and Saber Elaydi


Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Does the Type of Treatment Make a Difference?, William D. Ellison


Narcissism and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Relationship Patterns, William D. Ellison, M. C. Acuff, D. Kealy, A. S. Joyce, and J. S. Ogrodniczuk


Individual Differences and Stability of Dynamics among Self-Concept Clarity, Impatience, and Negative Affect, William D. Ellison, Megan E. Gillespie, and Alec C. Trahan


Dynamics Among Borderline Personality and Anxiety Features in Psychotherapy Outpatients: An Exploration of Nomothetic and Idiographic Patterns, William D. Ellison, K. N. Levy, M. G. Newman, A. L. Pincus, S. J. Wilson, and P. C. M. Molenaar


For Whom, and for What, is Experience Sampling More Accurate Than Retrospective Report?, William D. Ellison, Alec C. Trahan, Joseph C. Pinzon, Megan E. Gillespie, Logan M. Simmons, and Kendel Y. King


Ted Cohen on Sharing the World, Michael Fischer


Life in a Harsh Environment: The Effects of Age, Sex, Reproductive Condition, and Season on Hair Cortisol Concentration in a Wild Non-Human Primate, P. A. Garber, A. McKenney, Evelyn Elizabeth Bartling-John, J. C. Bicca-Marques, M. F. de la Fuente, F. Abreu, N. Schiel, A. Souto, and Kimberley A. Phillips


Faculty as Global Learners: Off-Campus Study at Liberal Arts Colleges, J. Gillespie, Lisa Jasinski, and D. Gross

The Invisible City: Travel, Attention, and Performance, Kyle Gillette


Self-Concept Change at Work: Characteristics and Consequences of Workplace Self-Expansion, C. E. Gray, Kevin P. McIntyre, B. A. Mattingly, and G. W. Lewandowski Jr.

Sugarcane & Rum: The Bittersweet History of Labor and Life on the Yucatan Peninsula, John R. Gust and Jennifer P. Mathews


Food Insecurity and Eating Disorders: A Review of Emerging Evidence, V. M. Hazzard, K. A. Loth, L. Hooper, and Carolyn Black Becker


Creating Successful Student Learning Outcomes: The Case of Trinity University's Quality Enhancement Plan Entitled "Starting Strong", John R. Hermann


Trinity University's Summer Bridge Program: Navigating the Changing Demographics in Higher Education, John R. Hermann, Sheryl R. Tynes, and Wendy Apfel


Everyday Challenges to the Practice of Desirable Difficulties: Introduction to the Forum, Paula T. Hertel

MeXicana Fashions: Politics, Self-Adornment, and Identity Construction, Aída Hurtado and Norma E. Cantu


Baseline and Stress-Induced Corticosterone Levels Across Birds and Reptiles Do Not Reflect Urbanication Levels, A. S. Injaian, C. D. Francis, J. Q. Ouyang, D. M. Dominoni, Jeremy W. Donald, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, Jerry F. Husak, Michele A. Johnson, Bonnie K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L. B. Martin, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, T. D. Williams, and Maren N. Vitousek

From the Cinema to Beyond: Homer in Comics, Television, Apps, and New Media, Thomas E. Jenkins

The Reception of Homer Since 1900, Thomas E. Jenkins


Modeling the Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Degradation on the Regulation of Human Astrocyte Phenotype Using Multicomponent Interpenetrating Polymer Networks (mIPNs), Andrea C. Jimenez-Vergara, Rachel Van Drunen, Tyler Cagle, and Dany J. Munoz-Pinto


Philosophy of Western Music: A Contemporary Introduction, Andrew Kania


Space, Andrew Kania

American Roulette: The Social Logic of Death Penalty Sentencing Trials, Sarah Beth Kaufman

Homer in Antiquity, Lawrence Kim


Faith: A Critical Review--What is Left at the End of the Day, Lawrence Kimmel

Biblical Commentary and Translation in Later Medieval England: Experiments in Interpretations, Andrew B. Kraebel


Latin Manuscripts of Richard Rolle at the University of Illinois, Andrew B. Kraebel


The Special Atom Space and Haar Wavelets in Higher Dimensions, Eddy Kwessi, G. de Souza, N. Djitte, and M. Ndiaye


Large-N Bill Positions Data from What Can We Learn from Interest Groups’ Publicly Observable Legislative Positions?, G. M. Lorenz, A. C. Furnas, and Jesse M. Crosson


Protecting the Archaeological Past in the Face of Tourism Demand, Jennifer P. Mathews

Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept, B. A. Mattingly, Kevin P. McIntyre, and G. W. Lewandowski Jr.


Relationship Dissolution and Self-Concept Change, B. A. Mattingly, Kevin P. McIntyre, and G. W. Lewandowski Jr.


Implications of Relationship-Induced Self-Concept Change Across Partners: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model Approach, Kevin P. McIntyre, B. A. Mattingly, Sarah A. Gorban, and M. A. Cope


Discrete Evolutionary Population Models: A New Approach, K. Mokni, Saber Elaydi, M. CH-Chaoui, and A. Eladdadi


Making MSM: Biopolitical Subjects in Vietnam, Alfred Montoya


Houston Is Almost All Right: Postmodernism on the Texas Gulf Coast, Kathryn E. O'Rourke

The Cambridge Guide to Homer, Corinne Ondine Pache


Oxytocin Attenuates Expression, but Not Acquisition, of Sucrose Conditioned Place Preference in Rats, Devon Patel, Megana Sundar, Eva Lorenz, and Kah-Chung Leong

Chili, Andrew Porter


Maternal Diabetes and Obesity Influence the Fetal Epigenome in a Largely Hispanic Population, Heather E. Rizzo, E. N. Escaname, Nicholas B. Alana, E. Lavender, J. Gelfond, R. Fernandez, Matthew A. Hibbs, Jonathan M. King, N. R. Carr, and C. L. Blanco

‘Let Me Be Th’interpreter’: Shakespeare and the Tongues of War, Kathryn Vomero Santos


The Moderating Effect of Resilience on the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Quality of Physical and Mental Health among Adult Sexual and Gender Minorities, Phillip W. Schnarrs, Amy L. Stone, Robert Salcido, C. Georgiou, X. Zhou, and C. B. Nemeroff


Untouchable, Michael Schreyach


Invariant Synapse Density and Neuronal Connectivity Scaling in Primate Neocortical Evolution, C. C. Sherwood, S. B. Miller, M. Karl, C. D. Stimpson, Kimberley A. Phillips, B. Jacobs, P. R. Hof, M. A. Raghanti, and J. B. Smaers

Moving Forward: The Role of Reflection in Planning Literacy Instruction, Heather Haynes Smith and S. James

Lives of the Laureates: Thirty-Two Nobel Economists, Roger W. Spencer and David A. Macpherson

A Quantitative Analysis of House-Synagogues in Ancient Palestine, Chad Spigel


“Not the Lover’s Choice, but the Poet’s”: Classical Receptions in Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Benjamin Eldon Stevens


"You Out-Gayed the Gays": Gay Aesthetic Power and Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women in LGBTQ Spaces, Amy L. Stone


“Multiplicity, Race, and Resilience: Transgender and Non-Binary People Building Community”, Amy L. Stone, Elizabeth A. Nimmons, Robert Salcido, and Phillip W. Schnarrs


“My meemaw is a Cool Ass Person”: Family Members as Role Models of Resilience for Sexual and Gender Diverse People of Color, Amy L. Stone, Elizabeth A. Nimmons, Robert Salcido Jr., and Phillip W. Schnarrs


State of Our Community: San Antonio LGBTQ+ 2020 Survey, Amy L. Stone, Robert Salcido Jr, Charlotte Georgiou, and Ryann Williams


Roles for a Lipid Phosphatase in the Activation of its Opposing Lipid Kinase, Bethany S. Strunk, N. Steinfeld, S. Lee, N. Jin, Cecilia Munõz-Rivera, Garrison Meeks, Asha Mary Thomas, C. Akemann, A. K. Mapp, J. A. MacGurn, and L. S. Weisman


Deadly Gardens: The 'Gothic Green' in Goethe and Eichendorff, Heather I. Sullivan

Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860-1960, Gina Anne Tam


This Living Hand: Bright Star and the Etsy Effect, Betsy Winakur Tontiplaphol

To Bring the Good News to All Nations: Evangelical Influence on Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Relations, Lauren Frances Turek


Thermal Performance of Helical Coils with Reversed Loops and Wire Coil Inserts, Y. Wang, J. L. Alvarado, and Wilson Terrell Jr

Submissions from 2019


Reading Roth/Reading Ourselves: Looking Back, Victoria Aarons

New Directions in Jewish American and Holocaust Literatures: Reading and Teaching, Victoria Aarons and Holli Levitsky

What We've Learned: Implementing a Standardized Performance Assessment During Clinical Teaching, Laura van Zandt Allen and Courtney Crim


Does German Cultural Studies Need the Nation-State Model?, Y. Almog, K. Belgum, B. Biebuyck, S. Brockmann, V. Byrd, N. Chronister, N. Coleman, L. Hock, C. A. Costabile-Heming, G. Holfter, J. R. Hosek, K. Maurer, M. Schramm, P. C. McBride, J. Mieszkowski, J. K. Noyes, B. Robinson, C. Smith, S. Spector, B. Stone, K. Sutton, Heather I. Sullivan, P. Urlaub, and K. Wetters


Improving Foresight Predictions in the 2002-2018 NFL Regular-Seasons: A Classic Tale of Quantity vs. Quality, Eduardo C. Balreira and Brian K. Miceli

Exposure Therapy for Eating Disorders, Carolyn Black Becker, Nicholas R. Farrell, and Glenn Waller


Eating Disorder Pathology Among Individuals Living with Food Insecurity: A Replication Study, Carolyn Becker, Keesha M. Middlemass, Francesca Gomez, and Andrea Martinez-Abrego

New and Selected Poems, Jennifer Browne


[Review of the Book Breaking White Supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel, by G. Dorrien], John Francis Burke

Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor, Norma E. Cantu

Cabañuelas: A Novel, Norma E. Cantú


Conducting Publishable Research From Special Populations: Studying Children and Non-Human Primates with Undergraduate Research Assistants, Jane B. Childers and Kimberley A. Phillips


So That It Might Become Clear: The Methods and Purposes of Narrative Abridgement in Early Modern Jain Purāṇic Composition, Gregory M. Clines


Training to Inhibit Negative Content Affects Memory and Rumination, Shimrit Daches, Nilly Mor, and Paula T. Hertel